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Golden Nuggets Plus 10 - Part 2
Posted On 02/23/2021 06:29:57 by yourchoice

Following graduation, the class of nurses went their separate ways, to find their first job as a Registered Nurse (known as an RN), continue their education, or to finally marry the love of their life (which was not allowed during training days). They were now members of the Hospital Alumnae, and made concerted efforts to travel back to attend the annual Alumnae Banquet. Traditionally, each class planned their own class reunion every five years, which included attending the Alumnae Banquet. The first class reunion, five years after graduation, was filled with stories and photos of career jobs and weddings. At the tenth year reunion, there were photos of babies and young children, along with new jobs and travel experiences. The ‘sisterhood’ was deep and the weekends were filled with planned events, dining wherever possible, late night chatting in hotel rooms, but there was very little sleep.

There was great sadness in the class when it was learned that the hospital was closed and imploded, along with the Residence. The hospital was beyond repair, and nursing education became a university degree. The end of a beloved era! The Alumnae Association was committed to continue the annual banquet until the last graduating class (1974) could celebrate their 50th Anniversary, and be referred to as the ‘Golden Nuggets’. It was such a very special honor!

How is it that I can write so much about that class? Because it was my class who were the “Golden Nuggets” ten years ago. This year is the 60th anniversary of our graduation, but because of the restrictions due to the pandemic, the springtime Alumnae Banquet has been cancelled, and a possible rescheduling for September 2021 for the ‘major’ class reunions. Members of my class are close to 80 years young and more, and the plans are very fluid. There were 91 classmates who graduated, and we have said ‘Goodbye’ to 24 dear friends. We have been having many phone conversations this past month, deciding that if some can still travel, and are still able to ‘mingle’, we’ll be together in September. No entertainment plans… just a hotel stay where we can talk, eat, and sleep! We can always hope for a better year!

Thanks for reading my story… it is filled with strong emotions and happy memories.

Tags: Reunions Sisterhood Plans


Viewing 1 - 6 out of 6 Comments

02/25/2021 20:36:04

texasjane wrote:

What a wonderful story.  I cannot type much until the frostbite heals a little more.  Do not look at what you have lost.  Celebrate each and ever nugget for being in your life no matter how long it is or was. .....

Thank you so much for your comment... I had a feeling that your absence in NOTH was more than just being busy. I hope you recover and heal quickly... and that you can type with your fingers instead of with a pencil. As for our upcoming reunion... our fun has already begun! Phone calls, emails, and text messages have been rekindled, in an effort to connect with our 'sisters', and doing what we can to encourage, entertain, and pray for our contacts. We will do what we can... look forward to September, even though that we have no guarantee that we will still be here next week. We do what we can and make the best of every day that we have. 

My next blog will be a different 'flavor'!

02/25/2021 01:01:16

What a wonderful story.  I cannot type much until the frostbite heals a little more.  Do not look at what you have lost.  Celebrate each and ever nugget for being in your life no matter how long it is or was.  Close your eyes and picture them laughing with you or better still, whispering with you.  See, they are still there.  I learned to celebrate life on this plane and the next.  I so enjoyed this story.  It reminds me of all the wonderful people I have had in my life.  I got to feel their love all over again.  I hope you all make contact in September, like on Facebook, or video.  You could each do a video and send it to each other.  A virtual reunion.  Then you would have a record of all those who are left for as long as you have them.  My sister and I trade videos all the time and it is great.  We do it all online.

God Bless you dear.  I am writing this with a pencil with my mouth.  My fingers need to heal a little more before I can type.


02/23/2021 22:37:35

momtocam wrote:

Thanks for sharing Mona. I pray you and many of the others will be able to gather this Fall. So many disappointments and all this pandemic has caused..and continues to do. It's drawn on too long. God Bless. Lisa

Thanks, Lisa, for your comments. We are optimistically looking forward to September, but reminding ourselves that we don't know if we will be here next week. One day at a time, and it is our Creator who knows what will happen.

02/23/2021 22:32:19

nightfall wrote:

How wonderful! You are part of the Golden Nuggets. It's great you've been able to have reunions and catch up with everyone from the class. I bet so many stories are told and lots of happy memories for all of you classmates.

You are right... we sure know how to talk. How else do you think I learned to be a "wordy" person? Even though we earned the title of Golden Nuggets, we referred to ourselves (and still do) as the 'Rusty Nuggets. We finally cancelled our website and decided to keep in touch with emails and phone calls. 

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02/23/2021 21:15:04

Thanks for sharing Mona. I pray you and many of the others will be able to gather this Fall. So many disappointments and all this pandemic has caused..and continues to do. It's drawn on too long. God Bless. Lisa

02/23/2021 14:27:06

How wonderful! You are part of the Golen Nuggets. It's great you've been able to have reunions and catch up with everyone from the class. I bet so many stories are told and lots of happy memories for all of you classmates.

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