ALL Quiet on the Western Groin
I had this angiogram procedure yesterday as my EKG from a stress test showed abnormalities and my cardiologist had to check for a possible blockage in any blood vessels in my heart. I'm fine. Doc said I have the heart of a 20 year old which was great to hear .
I got some post angiogram directions because the catheter had been placed though my groin. ..Among them, No strenuous exercise and even to curtail normal daily routines where I might be bending or lifting or even driving for about 3 days.
How the hell is driving strenuous unless I'm carting some elephants to the Big Apple Circus. ? I was even told to avoid stairs. Hey, I'm not walking up the Empire State Building or Statue of Liberty or doing any mountain climbing this week.
I'm not entering any triathlons or going scuba diving, or sumo wrestling, or swinging on the high bars at a local gym. BUT I don't think competitive eating is ruled out. Bon Appetit.