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Memories of Friends
Posted On 05/19/2024 13:52:47 by LadyLynne

Thinking of friends

Who have touched our hearts

Triggered by a photograph or a song

Selective memory plays a part

Some remain ever present

In our daily lives

Others have moved to pastures new

In order to survive

A few they have departed

From this earthly plane

Sadly gone but never forgotten

Fond memories to this day remain


Tags: Poetry


Viewing 1 - 16 out of 16 Comments

07/15/2024 01:39:09

Thanks technonana and just saw your comment.  Glad you liked my poem. 

07/06/2024 12:14:30

I love this post and identify with it myself. I have outlived my two best friends. One I have known 30 years.  She knew me and still loved me.  Not a day goes by that I don't wish I could pick up the phone and call her.

06/07/2024 07:38:50

Thanks Designing Girl.

06/07/2024 06:33:00

Thank you 

06/06/2024 12:25:49

A big thank you from a fellow poet, Dianne. 

06/05/2024 06:54:37

Hi Lynne, your poem is lovely to read. Thank you for sharing.

06/03/2024 01:26:24

You couldn't have expressed it better momtocam. 

06/02/2024 16:14:58

The chapters of our life brings sweet pages of friendship..whether long or brief, we embrace this gift. I recently looked back a few days ago of some that left earth too soon. Others have been gone for many years. When those dates on the calendar come around each year, we reflect on those we were able to connect with. I'm forever grateful I can connect with so many in the blink of an eye here. Precious friendships indeed🙂

05/25/2024 06:31:20

We have selective memory, Diffuser.  Hopefully the good ones outweigh the bad.

05/24/2024 01:16:33

Thanks, Grace.  The internet is a wonderful invention if put to proper use.  It brings people together from all over the world to share their different cultures.  Once known as pen pals, people can now communicate in a matter of seconds. 

05/24/2024 00:30:00

Hello Lynne, so sad that some friends was gone, but I know it's time to take a rest in heaven with our creator.  I love my online friends eventhought we dont see each other in person, I cherished the love and care we shared in the net. I considered them my families living in different countries. May God give us a longer life. 

05/22/2024 12:12:43

Thanks, Beth.  Genuine online friends become as important as real life friends.  When something happens and they are no longer around for whatever reason, they are sorely missed.

05/22/2024 11:20:39

Very well put, Lynne.  As the saying goes, Friends come in to our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.  I'm missing those friends too.  R.I.P. my dear Wendy (Moondancer) and Angeleyes.

05/21/2024 03:36:29

Thank you, Greg.  Sometimes writing down your thoughts and sharing with others can help. 

05/20/2024 03:48:56

Beautiful! Straight from the heart. Thank you Lynne.

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