Getting ready to sign off and do my nebulizer
Female 85 years old Anderson, South Carolina United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1031
[ 87 ]
10/02/2012 19:52:45 |
Anything with Harrison Ford. He is so sexy.
Sound of Music, The original Grease, most musicals.
I like most kinds of music but not the head banging kind. I prefer country and classical and
instrumental or orchestras. Some of the new age is pretty good, too.
My favorite authors are: Robert Ludlum, James Patterson, Richard North Patterson, John Grisham, Steven King, Danielle Steel and lots more that I can't recall.
I will read almost anything I can get my hands on and do read every day, starting with my bible.
Chinese, Italian, IHOP and iced green tea and Dunkin Donuts Iced coffee,butter pecan ice cream.
I'm having a bit of a hard time breathing with the humidity being so high. Today was much better. Doctor said my lungs sound better but still need the oxygen and the nebulizer 4 times a day. Also had to get elastic stockings because of the swelling in my feet. Boy, are they fun to get on.LOL
I am married(50 years in October), have 4 children, 10 grandchildren and 2 great-granddaughters. I was injuredin an accident at work and have been disabled since January of 1993.
I have the usual illnesses attributed to us older folks. I also have COPD and have to use supplemental oxygen.
I like to play on my computer, meet new people and get new penpals. I also like going for rides in the country and seeing the farm animals.
People with a negative attitude. I don't like to be around them because I try to have a positive outlook.
People who feel they need to deafen everybody in hearing distance by having the base on their radios so high that the vibration goes through you.
Playing on the computer, reading and watching the Boston Red Sox play baseball.
bluejay68 has 11 friend(s)