Welcome To My Page!
Female 70 years old United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1151
   [ 573 ]
09/29/2010 16:03:46 |
Catch Me If You Can
Where The Heart Is
Chevy Chases National Lampoon Movies..Christmas Vacation, Vegas Vacation, European Vacation
Barry Manilow
John Tesh
Country Music
Oldies but Goodies
Cedar Cove Series..by Debbie Macomber
Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill
My favorite color is purple
I like alot of different foods but if I had to choose just one...it would have to be Pizza of course!!
To All My Friends Here,
Just letting you know that I will not be here very much for a while. That also means not online too for now.
Alot is happening with my husbands health, and I feel I need to devote my time to making sure he is okay, and taking care of all the other needs.
I will check in from time to time, but please know that if you don't get a response to an e-mail or a message that you may have sent to me lately, I will answer those as soon as I can.
I treasure all of my friends here and have not forgotten you all.
Please understand that until things are settled with all the issues, that I will not be here much.
Thanks for understanding!!!
I hope to be back soon!
I have been married for 22 years to an amazing husband who has been there for me through the good and the bad times..I have 4 wonderful grandkids and 3 children...I am very outgoing and love to meet new people and make new friends..I love volunteering with Hospice patients and going to Farmer's Markets to find fresh fruits and veggies.
I like to read, go walking along the beach, visit with my friends and family, spend time with my grandkids, go exciting and new places with my husband, steal a weekend away to a place of romance,
spending time with my two birds, cooking and watching Food Network
nosy people
someone who thinks they are "always right!" Cause no one rarely is!!
Attending Bird Shows
Birds, Birds, Birds!!
Writing Poetry
Inventing New Recipes
brdsforme has 8 friend(s)