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Male 89 years old Hatfield, Wisconsin United States
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Aug 16 2008, 6:12 pm by brie
Dr. Zhivago, Casablanca and any with Margaret O'Brien.
Classical music. My preference is the Russian composers. Their music is alive with passion.
I like some 70s Pop songs.
The Orphan Train Trilogy; Wildflowers, Bridie's Daughter and Secrets. Author-Robert Noonan .....
................................................................. ME.
All Book Reviews rated my trilogy 5 stars and all three novels were among five to ten "Finalists" in national and International competitions.
Shortly after, all three of my novels were among six "Finalists" in The National Best Books 2008 Awards. They did equally well in the 2008 Writer's Digest Contest.
Trilogy Web Pag at
The Orphan Trains are a little-known corner of U.S. History. I believe less than 15% of U.S. citizens know of them. They ran from 1854-1929, delivering more than 200,000 homeless children from New York City to the West and Southwest to find new homes. Some found loving homes; others did not. My trilogy is not about hardships and suffering by children. On the contrary, it is an emotinal story about family and friendships, tragedy, romance, murder and intrigue and an abundance of humor.
Rust, especially with black.
Any pork-especially ribs, only chuck eye steak, chicken, fish, oatmeal, spinich, fish, lobster, crab legs, peanut butter and jelly, Lasagna, Gyros, DARK CHOCOLATE, milk, tea, eggs, corn-on-the-cob, beef barley soup, good crusty bread, mashed potatoes, German sausage & Kraut,
If interested in looking into my novels go to
I lived on the far North side of Chicago, Illinois, until 2004 when I moved to my country home in Hatfield, Wisconsin, where I finished writing my Orphan Train Trilogy.
I have two daughters. One in Chicago and the other works in New York City.
My house is against the woods and next to a pond. I feed the deer, turkey, rabbits, birds, fish, turtles, etc. None are good tippers.
I love travel. The best education available. I have traveled extensively and haven't found a country I didn't like. Each country has its charm, whatever that may be.
I like children, as my books reveal. They are the best entertainment ... most of the time.
I don't like liars and cheats. I was going to write politicians, but the first sentance covers them.
I hate traffic jams, therefore, I live in the country.
My favorites are playing tennis, travel, fishing, a good book and snorkeling.