Female 73 years old Redcliffe Australia
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 4035
[ 6330 ]
01/21/2017 00:44:00 |
I like thrillers, comedies and fluffy feel-good movies. Even horror movies if the horror is part of the story and not just there for the shock effect. I'm not into anything political, don't like war movies and I do prefer something with a reasonably happy ending. After all, we need to go on believing it will all work out in the end, don't we!
60's, 70's - older style rock. Relaxation music - pan pipes. Music from the Andes.Some Classical.
Mostly stuff by Stephen King, Dean Koontz. Stories with a supernatural theme - but not too gory or violent. Oh and lately I've discovered Jodi Picoult. I really enjoy her books
Probably most things that aren't good for me. LOL
My contact person is Brisman
My husband (Brisman) and I are self employed cleaners.
We live on the Redcliffe Peninsula in Queensland, Australia.
We have a small parrot, named Paddy, who is our pride and joy.
Stability and security. Opportunities to spend time with family and friends.
Work (LOL) Bills. Getting old. Being bad friends with people.
Writing. Reading. Watching TV series on DVD. Kayaking. Making tags in Paint Shop Pro.
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