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Granny's Tea Cozies

76 years old
Las Vegas
United States

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Profile Views: 3173
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Referrals: 4

Profile Views: 3174

JOB: Self employed
DRINK: Socially
RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 03/27/2008
LAST LOGIN: 10/07/2011 09:39:52

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May 16 2008, 11:47 am by bshahn569
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May 12 2008, 1:28 pm by bshahn569
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I like to be entertained and laugh when I see movies. My all time favorite movie is Madame X and it is the only movie that I will watch over and over again.

I like all types of music from Jazz to Classical to the Oldies to the Top 40...my least favorite is Country, but I will listen to it also.

I love murder mystery books, I love the love/happy ending stories, I like them with a medical theme or detective theme.

My favorite color depends on my mood...and that is subject to change at any given time. Since I am a Red Hat lady..it has to be purple and red.

I like sage/celery green...along with burgandy/merlot red....with a taupe/beige.

Even ugly colors have their place in this world.

I don't know if I could say one favorite...as there isn't much I won't eat (early childhood training).

I love Lobster, cheesecakes of any flavor and variety, chocolate of any type, homemade chocolate chip cookies out of the oven, homemade bread, asparagus, fresh fruit of any type. I love Mexican food, Chinese food, and American foods.

Mercy!!! It has been a while since I have been on the Hill.

I have found my way from Las Vegas, back to Boonville, Indiana...ahhhh the peace and quiet and the country living. My hubby is plowing the garden, getting ready to plant...this is the latest ever, but the rain has stopped us and most others also.

I have been sewing, working on the computer, and making applesauce and pearsauce out of some cans of pears and apple pieces....so now am waiting for the water to boil so I can process them in the canner.

My hubby finished picking the cherries off the cherry trees, that I started the other day. I told him if he finished the job, I would make him a homemade cherry pie...so they are washed and pitted and in the refrigerater (I will make it tomorrow morning). I also have some apple jelly that did not set up right, so I will go into the pantry and get them all out and open them up, put some pectin in them and reprocess them also. All I have to do now is go to the store for more lids for the canning jars.

Life is good in the country.

I have been married to the same wonderful man for 42 years. We have two adult children (one son & one daughter) and 6 grandchildren ranging in ages from 15 to 5 years. Our son and his family of 3 girls live in Castle Rock, Colorado. Our daughter and her family of 2 boys and 1 girl live in Murrieta, California.

I have two wonderful Bichon boys, that are the love of our lives. Maurice is 7 and blind (juvenile cataracts)he doesn't know that he is blind though, because he owns the world. Then there is Winston, he is 3 and a clown...the most expresive eyes a dog can have...so full of life and a get in your face, pay attention to me now type dog. The boys are best buddies and do everything together.

I have started my own cottage industry business (Granny's Tea Cozies & Gifts) making and selling tea cozies, scented hot pads, along with tea pots, tea cups, teas, scone mixes, gold and crystal windchimes, Red Hat clothing and jewelry. I have an internet based business, but also do shows around the country. http://www.GrannysTeaCozies.com

We are "snow-birds" from Boonville, Indiana to Las Vegas, Nevada. Life is good.

I love my family and friends.
I love to laugh.
I love Spring and Fall seasons.
I love all my Red Hat sisters.
I love my two Bichons...Maurice & Winston.
I love traveling.
I love camping in our 5th wheel.

I don't like rude or condesending people.

I don't like lots of traffic or waiting in line.

I don't like crowds.

I don't like people that know it all.

I don't like New Year's Eve...too phony...I don't think one moment of time is a renewal...it takes time to renew.

I love to read, to sew, to go camping. Visting with friends both in person and via the internet. I love traveling.

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