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All you need is love ....

81 years old
Tennant Creek

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DRINK: Sometimes
RELIGION: Catholic
MEMBER SINCE: 03/26/2008
LAST LOGIN: 10/22/2021 04:56:46

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Jan 28 2009, 7:48 am by bushbaby
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Jan 25 2009, 9:02 am by bushbaby
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Lots. I like drama, historical, biblical and some science fiction.

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Most kinds except for rap and head banging kinds with no real melody and words I can't understand or really don't want to hear

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Lots, especially if they tell me a lot about the locations and customs of the places in which the stories are set. I love reading stories featuring dogs, both fiction and real. I also like books about dog training techniques. I have a wonderful book of full colour photos of dogs under numerous conditions which is great for learning to read canine body language.

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My favourite colour is green usually, but sometimes it is lilac ... or no wait, pink ... or do I mean sunshine coloured? Yep, my favourite colour changes according to what I'm doing and my mood. Dark moods don't have colours and thankfully, I don't get many of those 'cause I really, really like colours.

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Chocolate, Mangos, Chocolate, Blueberries, Chocolate, Lychees .... oh, did I mention Chocolate?

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Just want to say to all my friends and visitors

Happy New Year 2015 photo 2015NewYearGreetingsV2-1.png

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I am married with 2 surviving children, an assortment of grandchildren, step relatives etc etc. My eldest son and his wife both passed away early in 2008 leaving a huge hole in our lives.

Until recently I worked part time as an IT Lecturer and Tutor at the local State University campus and really enjoyed it. I loved seeing the way learning this technology opens up a whole new world to many people from very disadvantaged backgrounds.

Hubby and I retired a few months ago and I haven't decided yet whether or not to continue with any tutoring. Just vegging out at the moment and letting be whatever will be. I do teach computers to Seniors locally and would like to get into teaching PSP as I get so much enjoyment from it. I think I will still be teaching IT in one form or another when it's time for my funeral. Everyone will be waiting at the Church and I'll be saying "hang on .. just got to finish showing this student how to cut/copy/paste/create/move/delete files and get him started on word processing. Oh, and spreadsheeting and graphics and emailing and Internet search engines and data bases and ... and ... and .... I guess you'll get the picture.

I also just love playing with my dogs, Teddy and Toby. They are both toy poodles and you'll find Teddy's photo in the photos section. Hubby made the fatal mistake of asking what I wanted for Christmas one year and I said a toy poodle. He was horrified, not because I wanted a dog, but in case he had to choose one! But he didn't need to worry about that ... he only had to worry about paying for it hehehe. Teddy was the outcome and it wasn't long before we decided to get him a playmate - so along came Toby. And needless to say, hubby is now their greatest fan.

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Growing stuff, reading, writing (bad) poetry and kids stories featuring my poodles, spending time with my family and friends, playing with my dogs,seeing the buds bursting through on the trees in the spring (don't see that much now as I live in the arid zone and most of the trees are native evergreens), cats and most animals (crocodiles excluded from my like list), creating graphics and generally playing around with PSP, communicating, communicating, communicating ....

I am a

What Flower
Are You?

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Cruelty to any living creature.

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PSP, playing with my dogs, trying out loads of computer applications then forgetting I've got them lol. Growing stuff in containers. I can't do gardening any more, but I'm having a ball growing things in pots and storage containers with holes punched in the bottom.
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Displaying 4 out of 120 comments
01/06/2022 11:52:22

May be an image of flower and text

01/06/2022 11:51:17

May be an image of flower and text

11/03/2021 10:07:59

A new day begins... Good...

10/17/2021 07:27:08

Good morning! Have a beautiful day!

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