I'm one of Carl Edward's biggest fans!!
Female 68 years old San Augustine, Texas United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 2275
 [ 194 ]
10/12/2016 13:09:05 |
Historical Fiction, Amish type books and any true life drama and recently started reading the Harlequin NASCAR series books.
Is any shade of blue. And of course all colors of Carl Edwards' sponsors. Like AFLAC or Scotts. Go CARL!!!!

Mexican and seafood although at this time I'm following the Weight Watchers plan.
I'm a 52 year old mother of a 14 year old daughter. I live in the country with my husband and daughter. I work as a substitute teacher and also do income tax preparation and notary public work. I live on 22 acres and at this time have 9 dogs of our own: Talladega, Phoenix, Dover, Bristol, Atlanta, 99, 60, Truex, and Brownie. We also have a neighbor's dog that stays at our house. He had a name that we didn't like so we renamed him Marcos Ambrose. We also have two cats and a parakeet. We just got 5 rabbits for my daughter to raise for her 4-H project. We will have them for five weeks. We just recently moved into our new double wide home. I'm still trying to get things straightened in it. Hubby's not used to moving so he's just brought things from the old house and sat them in the new house so I'm still trying to put things away.
NASCAR Racing and especially Carl Edwards with Roush Racing. Go CARL!!
I love my daughter and being involved in her life.
I love working part time as a substitute teacher at my daughter's school. I love quiet walks in the woods.
Rude people, bullies. And I especially do not like Tony Stewart!!! and there are several other NASCAR drivers that I do not like but not as bad as I dislike Tony (Puke) Stewart. Well I take that back. I dislike Kyle Busch and Brad Keslowski more than Tony Stewart. Let's hope that Jimmie Johnson doesn't win his 5th championship this year. If Chad Knaus wouldn't operate in the gray area--Jimmie wouldn't win.
Scrapbooking, collecting NASCAR things, cross-stitch, crocheting.
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