Female 68 years old United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 789
[ 3 ]
06/24/2009 17:44:33 |
I like movies but we don't go to many due to distance and cost. We could rent them more often but I seem to find other things to occupy my time.
Christian rock; '80s rock (my mispent youth), classical instrumental music. I also enjoy listening to programming on public radio.
Christ out of Egypt by Anne Rice; historical fiction, science fiction. I also read quite a bit of non-fiction, mostly related to spirituality and religion.
pizza, steak, pasta, generally anything that tastes good and isn't good for you! And glazed donuts! And any day with chocolate is a day well spent!
I am a wife, mother, and grandmother (and we have 1 great-great grandnephew, which is what you get when you marry the baby of the family!). My husband Herb and I have been married going on 27 years. He is a great guy and my best friend. We have 2 sons and a daughter. Our oldest son Jesse has 1 son, Charles (Charlie). Our daughter Sarah and son-in-law Matt have a 3 year old son, Jaxson, and a new baby boy (11 days old today!) named Malaki (like in the old testament, just not spelled Malachi). Our youngest son, Curtis, is 18 but still living at home while he tries to figure out what he wants to be when he grows up. I belong to Holy Family Catholic Community, where I teach the 8th grade Wed. night Religious Formation class. Our parish also holds multi-generational faith formation programs, which I enjoy both attending and assisting with. I have been a member of the local chapter of Women of Today since 1985, which makes me one of the oldies but goodies. We do many activities for our community, including the annual Easter Egg Hunt, and an annual Mystery Dinner Theater fundraiser for our local library (always a big hit!).
pretty sunsets, moderate temperatures, even tempered people, our dog Ollie (miniature Doberman), spending time with family, especially the grandkids
winter weather, negative attitudes, liver, lima beans, and housework
crochet, knitting, quilting, reading,
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