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May God Bless All Who Visit Me

mem_normal OFFLINE
61 years old
Pensacola, Florida
United States

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MEMBER SINCE: 05/24/2009
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LAST LOGIN: 01/09/2010 19:49:40

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action packed, inspirational, Nature & wild life

Gospel, country, old time rock and roll and oldies

The Bible


Steaks and seafood

We'll there ain't nuttin special about me except that I'm a God fearin redneck...lol. I love the Lord and I read a chapter a day in my Bible. I love to meet and make new friends with other God fearin folks. I live with my wife and son who mean the world to me and have helped me through some very difficult times. I have a very dear friend here at NOTH. She is FlowerloverLady and her and her husband are awesome friends to have. I'm thankful that God has blessed me with such wonderful friends and family and I hope and pray to make lots of new friends. May God Bless each and everyone one of you that visits my profile page and I pray you'll recieve a blessing each and everytime you visit me. May God Bless. Here is a poem I wrote that God has given me and I would like to share it with you. I pray you enjoy reading this poem and that you may recieve a blessing from it as I did writting it. May God Bless.

A Story To Tell

I'd Like to tell a story
of how my life was run
but the Lord has spoken to me
and said listen to me son.

You really have a story
that I know you'd like to tell
but sit yourself down on that stump
and listen---listen well.

You think your life is worthless
and maybe full of stress
but don't fall for the devils ways
or you'll have a hot address.

The story your about to share
is only how you fell
but then you prayed to me
and I saved your soul from hell.

When your journey started
it was as innocent as could be
but as you gotten older
you strayed away from me.

I walked that walk long ago
and hung there on that cross
I paid the price I paid
so you would not be lost.

Never will I forsake you
Never will I leave
but you must always keep your faith in me
for I made the air you breathe.

I noticed just last Sunday
a seat in church was bare
and the reason for this my son
is because you wasn't there.

Father may I ask you
just what what you see in me
for I am nothing useful
I'm as useless as can be.

I try to read the Bible
but so much I can't understand
I wish I could quote the Bible
and play in heavens band.

I would like to thank you Father
for all the blessings in my life
You gave me a wonderful family
and Dena for my wife.

Oh Father I hope your proud
that you created me
I'm gonna start all over
with a closer walk with thee.

Father don't give up on me
I'm trying to get a grip
the next time satan speaks to me
I'll surely bust his lip.

Father I'm so glad
we had this little talk today
but if you will please excuse me
I'm going to kneel and pray.

wrote by: Matthew G. Bennett Sr. 12/27/2004
dedicated to all the people who feel like they are "worthless"
but we are all created equal and are Gods children.

May God Bless

Father's Day Two Thousand Eight

Father's Day Two Thousand Eight
has made its way around
Dad I really miss you
as I sit where they gently laid you down.

Forgive me Dad I don't come by
as often as I should
if only Dad I could see you
God I wish I could.

I always took for granted
that you would be here with me
then our Master called for you
and you left so peacefully.

Dad when God called for you
it left this emptyness in my heart
I never get to see or talk to you
because distance plays its part.

There are no phones or computers
to help me keep in touch with you
Dear God I pray you will show me
just what I need to do.

I look for stars high in the sky
and for one that shines so bright
sometimes I find that star
and it twinkles in the night.

I remember once I sat and looked for stars
but not one star could I find
I talked I prayed that I'd see you
it would give me peace of mind.

It seems from out of no where
came a bright shining twinkling star
I laughed I cried I talked to it
and said hey Dad there you are.

My eyes now filled with tears
as I rememeber the fun times that we had
You may be gone but not forgotten
and you'll always be My Dad!!!

Wrote by: Matthew G. Bennett Sr. 6/13/2008
In Loving Memory Of My Dad: Gordon L. Bennett
2/19/1930 - 4/17/2002

I sure wish I could see ya this Fathers day Dad and give you a big hug and tell you once more how much you mean to me!!! I love and miss you Dad very much!!!

May God Bless

CommentYou.com is your One Stop Shop

I love fishing, camping, boating and nature walks.

I don't like ungodly things. I don't like when folks can't get along. I don't like dishonesty.

reading and writing poetry

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