Female 77 years old Honeybrook, Pennsylvania United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 728
[ 3 ]
07/28/2012 13:57:02 |
Citizen Kane, Steel Magnolia's, Sweet Home Alabama, Apollo 13, Centennial Man, Nichael, and there are probably others that just aren't in my head by title right now ~ for example, there's one with Robin Williams and Cuba Gooding, Jr. where I LOVE the colors!
Southern Gospel, country, Ole Time Rock n Roll
O man ~ I love to read and whatever I'm reading at the moment (Electric God) is usually my temporal fav and I LOVE my scriptures ~ what a treasure trove!
O don't you just love color? I love the bright suncolors (yellow/orange) and the spring flowers with personality and attitude! I'm not fond of pastels (too subtle for me I guess) but I just love color in general! One of my fav's is sunrise/sunset as the colors begin and end... How lovely! How special! Heavenly Father's good morning and good night ~ just for us!
I've not met very many foods I didn't like, but I love a good Yankee Pot Roast, pulled pork in sweet potato, baked chicken, and nearly anything NOT NITRATE that's cooked on the grill. I also love homemade soups and GOOD bread. I'm not much of a snacker, but do love kosher pickles and original potato chips ~ often together ~ crunchy appeals to me more than sweet.
I'm nearly 61, I'm disabled and really struggle with that most times, I'm a g-mom of an absentee granddaughter and miss her *the most*, I love intensely am unfailingly loyal, quite a bit OC and pretty nearly crazy!
Babies, toddlers and children! What a wonderful way to start life's journey. Sunrises and sunsets (see fav colors). Thunderstorms and the smell of the earth afterward. Wind in the treetops. The smell of my husband and the security of his arms. Feeling good (seldom happens any more, but WHAT A BLESSING when it does). Having friends ~ especially those who KNOW ME and take me as I am.
Contention or drama! Muggy heat. Most of my bad habits. Lack of energy. Folk who *front* (although I *front* my health around strangers)... But I mean fronting who they are! My forgetfulness ~ good thing my heart still remembers, huh?
Reading, spending time with my husband, going for rides, being able to walk (haven't been lately). Sampling my husband's baking (he's GOOD), Southern Gospel music, collecting quotations and playing solitaire...