"Still Talking"
Male 91 years old Sydney Australia
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Profile Views: 1307
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03/01/2009 20:30:19 |
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Apr 07 2008, 7:09 pm by colb
Jazz. Classical, Classical. Choral Jazz particularly Jaques Loussier playing classics (jaz) Brass Bands.
Autobiographies & Biographies. Thrillers. Political books
Food is a little restricted because of my surgery - I have no sense of smell and need to drink with each mouthful. But I do enjoy Asian foods and pastas and in general enjoy what food I can eat.
Unfortunately I enjoy sweets and chocolate which are a no no
I developed throat cancer 3 years ago, following radiation treatment the cancer came back after a few months and 2 years ago in May 08 my Larynx was removed (voice box) I now breathe through a hole in my neck and talk with a funny voice. BUT life is good and I enjoy each day. How do I remember my voice? - I remember it in my dreams and that way I sing better than ever. I also have an old answer machine message
I am very active in a Laryngectomee support group as secretary and write a monthly newsletter for the group.
I do what I can when possible to discourage smoking - the cause of my problems
I count myself fortunate that I have a loving wife who is my care giver and a supportive family and health system.
I am very interested in politics and was pleased when recently our (New) prime minister made an apology to the "Stolen Generation" of Aboriginees in our parliament.
Being alive. Manipulating digital images, building web pages. Fresh air and sunshine, birds, crosswords, solving computer problems. Being able to teach people in the use of computers (somewhat restricted now)
Racial discrimination. Sexual discrimination. Snobs.
Computers. Photography. Web design. Movies. Reading.