Female 123 years old Malabon City Philippines
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1422
  [ 211 ]
Christian - other |
03/22/2016 20:01:57 |
Adele H., Who Will Love My Children, Somewhere in Time, Brother Sun and Sister Moon
Country, Ballad, Classical and some Pop
Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl, Tess of the D'urberville, The Country of Pointed Firs, By Daylight and In Dream, Exodus....
It actually varies but basically I love white, dark blue and burgandy.
Sushi, sashimi, choiced Filipino food and some Chinese.
I'd like to thank the people here who helped me when I had a hard time logging in to my account. I am glad I joined NotOverTheHill because I met you!
I am basically a happy person and I love intelligent & objective interaction with people. I don't dwell on the negative side of life no matter how frustrating certain situations may be. Life is a gift from God and, therefore, must be enjoyed to the fullest but with fairness and respect.
My personal relationship with Christ is of utmost importance to me. I teach English online to non-native English speakers and I love my job.
I regard friendship as precious and I value each friend that I have.
Honest people. No matter how bad and frustrating the truth may be, it must not be withheld from the people concerned, especially from friends and family.
Lies, pretenses and deceit.
Reading, pleasant and humorous chats and photo designing
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