Female 75 years old Indiana United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1214
[ 15 ]
Referrals: 0 Who referred me: wezee
Christian - other |
09/24/2009 19:18:05 |
Love animated movies for sure.
Oldies but Goodies
Old and new country
Love anything by Carol Higgins Clark or Daniell Steel.
I am a two time kidney transplant. First one lasted 20 years this one I got in April of 2006 and I know it will last me another 20.
I have a beautiful daughter Adrianna, best son-in-law Jack and two beautiful grandchildren. Ivan is 6 and Lola is 2. Both spoiled rotten. I have one cat King Andrew (Drew for short) also spoiled.
I am married to my best buddy John. We have been married for over 25 years.
I am a Libra who tries to balance everything in life and am a down to earth naturally happy person.
Spending time with freinds and family.
LIARS, back stabbers, two faced people
Sewing, crafts, crocheting, quilting and scrapbooking.
daffyone3 has 10 friend(s)