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I didn't know what to put here so there is probably more than anyone wants to know.

mem_normal OFFLINE
83 years old
Coatesville, Pennsylvania
United States

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JOB: Retired
RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 04/30/2008
STAR SIGN: Scorpio
LAST LOGIN: 06/22/2010 22:29:29

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I love Disney movies, sci fi movies, and adventure movies. I also liked the Smurffs but they took them off the tv.

I like all music if it is good. I don't like rap or music that is just loud and nothing else.

I have collected animal stories since I was very young and have all kinds of Harlequin romances, some of which go back when they were only .50 and that is a lot of years ago.

I dabble at painting pictures so I like all colors but mostly pastels.

I like seafood and all kinds of vegetables. I also like pizza, ice cream, and oatmeal raisin cookies and all kinds of fruits.

I will be 67 on Halloween and my husband will be 73 on Christmas. I have been married for 47 years this August. I have a son and daughter and two granddaughters, and 1 great granddaughter who is about 5 months old. I had open heart surgery in 2004 and tho they couldn't fix it completely I am doing really good.

I like animals, birds, and people who are friendly and honest. I also had a pet snake named Romeo that I raised from a baby but had to give him to my granddaughter's husband after I had my open heart surgery 4 years ago. I know how most people think of snakes but he was a really nice one. I took him over to my granddaughter's school quite a few years ago and everyone was passing him around and holding him and he just loved it.
He or she ( I'm not sure which ) is a ball python or Royal python. I had him for 14 years. I also had a cockatiel named Petrie who died a couple of years ago. I now have a brown and tan cocker spaniel named Cindy, short for Cinderella. I also had a little Bearded Dragon that my granddaughter has now and he is real nice too.
I love going to church on Sundays and talking to everyone and learning more about the Bible.

I guess there's not much I don't like except people who hurt other people, either physically or emotionally. Or people who hurt animals.

I love to knit and crochet and have made just about anything you could think of. My favorite is knitting socks, I have a drawer full and have given quite a few pairs away. I have also made little soft cuddly animals by knitting and crocheting them. I also like puttering around on my computer, there is so much to do on here.

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