Female 96 years old Tionesta, Pennsylvania United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1723
  [ 292 ]
01/06/2018 21:10:38 |
I have 3 great sons, 3 wonderful daughter in laws and 9 special grandaughters and extra special great grandsons(twins)My profile picture is my son and me.....
Lived in the city till we retired and moved to the country..Smallest county in Pa. No streetlights , no traffic lights , no fast food and no four lane highways...Quite different than living in Pittsburgh, Pa...Twenty five miles to the nearest mall...
I love the computer..Love this Not over the hill site and facebook also hearing from all you great people..
Doing crafts and meeting with my dorcas ladies group at church..And of course the computer
I collect lighthouses...