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71 years old
Stardust, TX
United States

Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 3194
[ 1617 ]

Referrals: 4

Profile Views: 3195

JOB: Self employed
DRINK: Socially
RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 03/27/2008
LAST LOGIN: 01/23/2019 21:07:25

Bubble Shooter
Arcade Champion: Danny
My High Score: N/A


Gone With The Wind;

The Blues Brothers;

Tank Girl;

Notting Hill;

Love Actually;

Legends Of The Fall;


Sleeping Beauty;

The Music Man;

It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World;

Beauty And The Beast - the 1946 French version,


"The Trinity" by Col. R. B. Thieme, Jr.;

"We Are Still Married" by Garrison Keillor;

"Jesse James Was My Neighbor" by Homer Croy;

"The Life And Death Of Jesse James" by..uh..(me;)

"Travels With Charlie" by John Steinbeck;

The Collected Poems of Robert Service;

The Book of Romans by the Apostle Paul;

I'm sure I would love "Bewteen The Bridge And The River"
by Craig Ferguson, but I haven't read it yet. I'm presently reading
Craig's "AmericanOn Purpose," and it's excellent!



"The Trinity" by Col. R. B. Thieme, Jr.;

"We Are Still Married" by Garrison Keillor;

"Jesse James Was My Neighbor" by Homer Croy;

"The Life And Death Of Jesse James" by..uh..(me;)

"Travels With Charlie" by John Steinbeck;

The Collected Poems of Robert Service;

The Book of Romans by the Apostle Paul;

I'm sure I would love "Bewteen The Bridge And The River"
by Craig Ferguson, but I haven't read it yet. I'm presently reading
Craig's "AmericanOn Purpose," and it's excellent!


(Not to be confused with orchid.)
Crayola calls it "iris."




Pizza with very little or no tomato sauce;

(I would starve if I had to be a vegetarian though I love my veggies, too;)

Chinese (not spicy;)


Frozen yogurt, or Peppermint ice cream.

I love caramel and vanilla!

Champagne for your real friends,
and real pain for your sham friends;

OH! And coffee!
I LOVE my flavored coffees, especially hazelnut!


We Twitter as "WH2H_Radio" from the WH2H studios, which are being relocated to a safer part of the Stardust Fairy Forest. The DJ Cats are ready to come back, and hopefully host some fun music pages.


Hey, it's fake, folks!

The WH2H studios are located here.
Come on by and meet the DJ's!
Are YOU featured as one of our frequent listeners?


My son John in San Antonio, TX, is my contact person.
(If you're a "Lost" fan, he's my Constant.)
You can contact him by his work e-mail on this page.


Update 13 JUL 2015:

.Wow, first update in 5 years. Thing have changed for me - a lot - and I'm not sure what to think of it all. I got older (duh!) and I definitely don't like that. When my last computer broke, I got a new one with Windows 8.1, and could no longer work on my webpages, so I have no graphics to link to at the moment, but I miss playing with graphics so much, and I'll have a new website soon. Very soon. Seriously.

I'll have more update info later.


Glasvegas - "The Prettiest Thing On Saltcoats Beach - 2008"


My name is Mary Lee (both names together) originally from Missouri. I'm divorced, and have lived in Texas since 1975. My son taught me how to use the computer when we got our first one when he was 12. He's now 29, and he's used them since pre-school. (Wish I had!) I'm so proud of him.

I work from home as - well, I'm not sure yet, but I have a silly notion that I can make jewelry. We'll see. Most of my work years were spent as a store clerk and in merchandising.

Occasionally I used to make business websites for friends and had my own massive website, but that changed with XP gone, and 8.1 taking its place. I wonder how Windows 10 is going to work in that regard.


I'm a dog-lover at heart, but right now, my cat Onyx is all I can handle, and she just celebrated her 18th birthday on Facebook. (No, on my page.)

I like playing with sound files and graphics on the computer.

I like people with integrity.

I love my best friend Mark, in the UK. < --- There's Mark!>
He's done so much for me, I don't know what I'd do without him.

I used to love traveling, particularly flying, but flying seems to be such a hassle now.

Also, I like examining rocks, minerals, (gems and jewels are cool, too!) and studying land formations. I took Earth Science in school so I wouldn't have to take biology or go through more regular science.

Lately I've been listening to BBC2 Radio on the web, and it's a riot! It reminds me of radio in the 60's, 70's and early 80's, before the company whose name I won't mention started taking over so many stations, and so much of the freestyle and fun left. And so, WH2H nearchannel 195.3 on your dial, was born out of necessity, in Stardust, Texas. Come to think of it, so was Stardust, Texas, but - that's another story (and website.)


Latest Floresville, Texas, weather

I don't like having depression, but I live with it. It seems to be getting worse as I get older.
A lot of people think of depression as having the blues or being down-in-the-dumps, and are eager to suggest that "working outside" or "taking a walk" will make it go away. It doesn't.
Only knowing that there are Promises from God, and having my medication,
my music,my brother, my son, my cat, the scent of lavender, and my best friend Mark get me through it.
Depression comes and goes. Sometimes it stays a little too long,
but it always goes.

I also don't like being in the water - at all!

I'm not particularly fond of shopping either, so I leave it to my cat.
She has surprisingly good taste.


My family genealogy, tracing my ancestry back to Germany, Czechoslovakia, Great Britain and Italy (Germans, who moved to Italy and changed their names;)

Making CD's from my LP record collection;

Reading about and collecting information on Jesse James. (I'm from Missouri - it happens by default.) I see this is confusing to some of you. It's the outlaw Jesse James (1847-1882) not the motorcycle guy.

I also have PSP, (sounds like a disease) but I struggle with it so, I have to leave the computer before I throw something at it.
This program was NOT made for me!


A more recent hobby that I'm more serious about now is collecting gemstone jewelry. Maybe because I've always been fascinated by rocks. Maybe because at my early dental visits in the late 1950's, I always got my choice of a (plastic) 'ring.' Maybe because I loved when my parents and I went to visit my brother at college (which was then the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy) and we'd always see the black-light display of fluorescent and phosphorescent minerals. Maybe because they're pretty and sparkly, and I've panned for gold and been in the mines, and truly appreciate the time and labor it takes to create the tiniest little cut stone or chain link. ... in any case, I'm very grateful to my mother for leaving me some very nice pieces, and to The Liquidation Channel for making these things affordable to me. [link="http://www.liquidationchannel.com/"]

I enjoy collecting music boxes, thimbles, small brass bells, windchimes, decorative cans (tins - small ones) and I LOVE the Hallmark Forever Friends Bears. They're very popular in the UK, and Mark always sends me greeting cards with pictures of them. I have them displayed on the shelf above my computer.


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