Mimi's Page
Female 76 years old Cumberland United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1050
[ 39 ]
05/07/2014 19:53:19 |
Country, R&B, Christian, and Classical
I love George Strait!
Mysteries and animal stories
Mainly, I have been listening to audiobooks.I love Jon Katz' books about his dogs the best. I also "read" John Grogan's "Marley and Me". On the political side, I listened to Barack Obama's "Dreams of my Father".
Seafood, especially Maryland blue crab!
Thank you all for your birthday greetings!!!
I'm a 65 year old grandmother and have just retired due to corporate down-sizing. I knda like it, after all these years!!
I have 7 grandchildren, who are the lights of my life!!!
my hubby,grandchildren, pets, travel, NASCAR, walking,cooking
getting old!! I also don't like cancer. My husband is a 9 year survivor and we both volunteer for ACS Relay for Life and The Lance Armstrong Foundation fundraisers. I wish I could hug everyone that has to deal with this dreaded disease. I have arthritis and cannot run, but Fred runs in marathons and other events (i.e. Survivor Harbor 7) to support cancer research and early detection and prevention. We both believe that our nation's poor eating habits have greatly increased the incidence of certain cancers.
scrapbooking, photography,sewing, greeting card creating, gardening, walking-walking-walking. I love to surf the web and have installed the Stumble on IE toolbar for that purpose. It is so much fun and I have visited interesting website that I wouldn't otherwise have seen. Get yours at:
http://www.stumbleupon.com/sign_up.php?pre2=hometab :