Learning to embrace my inner [feral] child
Female 69 years old Gulfport, Florida United States
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Profile Views: 710
[ 3 ]
11/13/2008 05:49:51 |
Eclectic - everything from Patti Smith to Jimmy Buffet with a layover in Baroque period classics
The Hotel New Hampshire, John Irving
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Hunter Thompson
A Walk in the Woods, Bill Bryson
Anything by Carl Hiaasen
Neverwhere, Neil Gaimen
and a bunch of other stuff...am always reading
Owned by several parrots and four dogs. Mother of seven. Happily married for twenty-five years. The hubby and I love to hit the trail and take wildlife photos. Systems Analyst by day and birdwatcher...also by day...I get up early because the parrots get up early :-) Like to read (lots of things interest me so one week it could be non-fiction and the next a novel), cruise thrift stores and garden. Yup...that's pretty much it.
Family, animals, birds, trees, being outside, meteorology...other stuff listed above.
Daylight Savings Time (or lack thereof...I feel they should just pick a time and stick with it!)
Golf...my apologies to golfers everywhere...I just don't get it.
Lima Beans...deceptive little vegetable...smooth on the outside and all grainy on the inside...yuck!
floridahiker777 has 3 friend(s)