Female 67 years old United Kingdom
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1382
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09/29/2012 12:51:35 |
classic hollywood,hero,good will hunting,talented mr.ripley,the doors,alice in wonderland(2010),avatar,vanilla sky,the beach,the aviator,catch me if you can
Everything from folk,metal,pop,classical,chillout trance,especially the killers,snow patrol,muse,kings of leon,u2,zeppelin,fleetwood mac,chillie peppers,joni mitchell,beth orton,mahler,sinatra,pavarotti,ella,loads more
The Shack,Corelli's Mandolin,Zorba The Greek,My Family and other Animals,all Dan Brown,Phil Rickman's,Mary Stewart's,M.R.James,Barbara Erskine,anything on Atlantis and mysteries
quite a few-hard to say my tops but I guess pink,lilacs,blues and greens (veridian,ice,emerald,teal)
English roast beef and Yorkshire pudding Sunday roast,Greek food,KFC (which I only have about once every 2 years due to it being not too healthy but adore),quorn products,chocolate,(bad again!)
I'm a housewife currently recovering from breast cancer,I'm ok at the moment but my drugs I have to take make me feel tired all the time,when I have completed my therapy I should hopefully be back to my self again (about another 18 months to go.
I am interested in creating greetings and glitters to send using e cards and applications I make-I have several websites and a facebook application for sending greetings,I also am an avid scrapper and have my own blog on blogger covering all the above mentioned.
creating my own greetings and glitter graphics for my websites,I also like making backgrounds for facebook,myspace,twitter and blogger.
I love country walks with the dog,scrapping,reading,making cards(paper crafting),history,places,travel,love Greek islands,legends (Atlantis),Arthurian,folklore of England,earth mysteries.
Sarcasm,greed,money,untidiness,ignorance,violence,bullying,unfairness,cold damp summers,television-(x factor because it is repeated and has so many offshoots that it's all you see on tv),(mindless bilge such as Katie Price's rubbish),non-stop cooking programmes by celebs,non-stop selling/renovation programmes including antiques,non-stop forensic/cutting up bodies/bloody murder series,repeat,repeat,repeat.
I love country walks with the dog,scrapping,reading,making cards(paper crafting.Using my imaging software,reading,gardening