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Life is God’s gift to you; what you do with it is your gift to God.

mem_normal OFFLINE
72 years old
Fresno, California
United States

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RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 05/17/2008
STAR SIGN: Sagittarius
LAST LOGIN: 10/14/2009 23:01:22

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Well a few come to mind, Under the Tusccan Sun, French Kiss,Murphy's Romance,Dirty Dancing,Green Card, Out of Africa,(I feel Meryl Streep did a wonderful job acting in this movie.) I liked Dying Young with Julie Roberts. A beautiful mind,Horse Whisperer And Dances With Wolfs.

I enjoy the Oldies, Classic Rock, Country.

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I enjoy Joyce Meyers books.
My Bible,
Holistic Medicine, (Alternative Medicine)

I am a painter, so I love the rainbow.
For my cloths I am drawn to greens, Peach, and brown's

Mexican and Italian and good old southern food.

I was married to my children’s father for 31 years. The last 20 years was dealing with his illness with Diabetes. Which was very difficult. Things changed (He changed, Mid life I guess. He wanted to do something new. Like another woman) and the marriage didn’t work out like I hoped, we divorced.

God put a very nice man in my life and we have been together 9 years. I have 3 children all married and my husband has 1 child and he is married. Together we have 11 Grandchildren ages from 15 years to 6 years.
I have had Daycare for 27 years. I stopped daycare for awhile and moved to the country on a horse and cattle ranch.
A place I loved! I bought three horses and worked on the ranch and became a cow hand. YEE HA!
But, the seasons of life keep happening, the divorce moved me back into town and I started Daycare again.
It is fun because it is my Grandchildren, so a bit more relaxed.DAYCARE is done! NOW! The Grandchildren are older and I don't see them much anymore!

I also am a care provider for my elderly mother who is ill. This is the hardest thing I have ever done..It keeps me home alot and It is getting so very hard to watch her weaken. My peace I have is knowing she will be with God one day.

So that will be another season in my life, always change!

So, I don’t get away much.

This has been a very difficult time in my life, very hard! I didn't think doing this would cause me to be so home bound.

So! My computer gets me out and away from my stresses.

Spending time with my husband, Grandchildren,
and family get togethers.
BBQ's with friends, and playing dominoes.

I love the coast, walking on the beach, enjoying the tide coming in. It is calming to me. I wish I lived on the coast. I like Cambria California, "Where the Pines Meet the Sea". You are walking in the pine trees smelling the pine and then pretty soon you walk out of them to see the ocean then you smell the salty wind of the sea. It's lovely.

I enjoy time with God and reading his word.
I like working with wood and tole painting.

I Love horses,(I miss that part of my life) gardening and decorating.

One day I would love to travel the USA

I hate getting stuck in traffic, "like going through L. A." I prefer to go the coastal route, if time allows me.

I don't like people that make fun of others and I can not stand a parent, or anyone to be mean to a child.

"I hate War".

Well I mentioned some hobbies in my likes section,

I tole paint and work with wood.
I love to decorate, Inside or out.
I enjoy taking pictures and working with them on my computer.
Horseback riding, western pleasure, trail.

Going fishing,

I enjoy going with my husband when he plays golf.
I putt pretty good, I have even beat him a few times Ha!
I go along and take pictures.

I collect pigs. LOL

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