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mem_normal OFFLINE
74 years old
Detroit, Maine
United States

Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 4192
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Referrals: 6

Profile Views: 4193

JOB: Disabled
RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 03/28/2008
LAST LOGIN: 10/26/2014 19:11:47

Arcade Champion: xRick7701x
My High Score: N/A

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Feb 01 2010, 8:13 pm by gidgit5353
1 318
Nov 20 2009, 11:59 am by gidgit5353
0 283
Nov 18 2009, 11:18 pm by gidgit5353
1 268
Nov 03 2009, 2:10 am by gidgit5353
4 335
Oct 28 2009, 7:46 pm by gidgit5353
3 119
My Topics: 29   Guest Topics: 0
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I haven't been to the movies in yrs....Some of my old time favorites I have watched again & again on tv are...Dirty Dancing, Sixteen Candles, The Body Guard & On The Other Side Of The Mountain *part 1 & 2*
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Lyrics Scroller

I like the Golden Oldies (60's - 80's)Country & Modern Country

I'm not a big book reader since I got my puter...but if I do pick 1 up it's usually Sylvia Browne & sometimes John Edward.

Kisses Comments< >

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I am a

What Flower
Are You?

I would have to say Pink & all shades of lavender


Water Reflections MySpace Comments and Graphics

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I like anything pasta, a boiled dinner of course chocolate*don't we all lol*I really like all kinds of food it would be easier for me to list what I don't like.

Butterflies Comments

Spicecomments.com - Butterflies Comments

Kisses Comments

< >

< >

I had a cat that looked just like this.

The Girls Club

< >
I met Pat on here & she has become a very good friend of mine....We also talk on MSN so I've got to know just what a Beautiful & Caring person she is...She also has a Very Big Heart

My Mom Was A Breast Cancer Surviver

I have 2 dogs (1 Bassett Hound( I lost my precious male Bassett, Booker May 5th...he had cancer) & a black Pomeranian) 2 female goats that my youngest grandaughter(Cassidy)& I bottle fed..1 was 4 days old & 1 was 6 days old when I got them...they follow us right around like dogs in the summer when we are outside we let them out with us...hubby has ducks & geese..6 of the geese are Canadian..then I have 2 Indian Ringneck parrots...can you tell we love animals lol...opps I almost forgot the mud turtle...hubby saved it from getting run over last yr...when I 1st got it, it was about as big around as a quarter...now it's about triple in size...I keep it in a fish tank & it has a board to get up on so it can get out of the water...I think that's it lol.

myspace comments

I've been married to the love of my life for 43 yrs....we got married when I was 15 & he was 16...I have 2 grown sons....1 is 42 & 1 is 35...I have 4 beautiful grandchildren 3 girls & 1 boy..16,15,11 & 9....I've lived in Maine all my life...I'm a very easy going person..I love to laugh...I have my good days & bad days...I have had Fibro since 1985 & I also have 3 hernaited disks in my lower back, & I had a stroke but thank God I'm not paralized & I can talk *ESPECIALLY TALK LOL* I also know there are alot of people alot worse then me so I don't dwell on it.I've lost both my parents & I'm an only child

MySpace Graphics

I just Love my family & friends so so much...I also love animals...I love my puter...it's where alot of my good friends & family live....I also love to watch Nascar Racing...Dale Earnhardt was my all time favorite( don't forget to light a candle Feb. 18th) so now I like his son Dale Earnhardt Jr.....My hubby started collecting EVERYTHING that has Dale Earnhardt on it & now it's Jr.....he has the 1st car that Dale Sr. drove & the paint came out pink on it lol...he has so many different things that if I wanted to get him something I couldn't cus I wouldn't have a clue if he anready has it & he probably does.


I don't like snobs, rude people, people with no respect of others & telemarketers.I also can't stand people that are cruel to people or animals I'm scared of snakes

I collect angels...I also like different rocks & those little colored crystals

MySpace Graphics

Displaying 3 out of 3 comments
10/29/2022 07:34:06

May be a black-and-white image of body of water

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!
Very thankful for the rain!
Please be safe in your travels

05/26/2022 17:12:42

Dubravka4, happy birthday, Feliz Cumpleaños, on 14.04.2022

05/27/2021 07:23:09

Happy Birthday, liebes Geburtstagskind

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