Female 75 years old Edmonton Canada
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1555
    [ 919 ]
Christian - other |
05/10/2010 22:31:03 |
Conway Twitty is the best. Others are Kenny Rogers,Cher, Celine Diojn,Elvis, Barry Manilone. Todays music OK but mostly older.
My favorite color is Purple. If no purple yellow will do

I like steak, all sea food. Chinese food,liver& onions,turkey,Salmon,cheese wiz, raspberry & jam,salads.

I can't read books as the light is on top but with the computer it is behind. I have very good support. My chiropractor stopped me from having cronic back pain and got me moving. I have MS but not all is cause from this disease. I have lost weight,lowered blood pressure, cut out most pain stop medicine.Got medical coverage & new cloths. Life is good now. 
I don't like Green Beans! MS, Doctors that do nothing,waiting for Dats. Animal Abusers,Rude People,
Knitting,learning about Horatio (my computer), my digatal camera, the phone. Shopping, browsing, watching TV.