Female 95 years old Homer, Alaska United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1403
[ 80 ]
06/06/2008 17:35:08 |
All That Heaven Allows - John Wayne movies - Red Skelton movies - could probably think of a lot more in time
Some of all kinds unless it's hard rock
Right now I can hardly put down any book I've started by J.D.Robb by Nora Roberts - already mentioned the Harlequin books - Tom Clancy - James
Patterson -- and yes the Bible
Sunny Yellow - after dinner candy mint green - red on someone else
medium rare steak - fried chicken (as long as I do not have to cook it) - anything made of lemon -and let's not forget chocolate (what would life be without chocolate) - homemade tacos - numerous other things
Short - fat (my doctor calls it obese, but fat does not sound as bad) - very short white hair - stay up late at night, sleep late (one of the perks of being retired the way I look at it) - run around in my flannel pjs most of the day seeing as how I do not go out much, can't walk too far at a time
To try to talk to smart people without feeling like a grade school dropout - especially people who have traveled some - READING (am Harlequin Mystery and Love Inspired nut) - medium rare steak - fried chicken - sunshine - many other things especially my computer - that first cup of coffee in the morning - candles - attitude
FISH of any kind unless it's cooked like I like it - loud people - greedy people - liars - being cold - dusting
Reading - doing the daily newspaper puzzles - messing around on my computer