Female 50 years old Hengelo Netherlands
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1566
 [ 156 ]
01/05/2014 15:50:12 |
I really like all kinds of music, but i have to say my favorites are R&B and Rock.
Im not really a reader, but when i do i like thrillers and horrors.
I also like a good romantic book.
Chocolate and strawberry's are my favorites.
But a also like Macaroni,spareribs,chickenwings and Indian food.
To be honest, there isnt much that i dont like :)
Since the 4th of january 2011 we are the proud parents of a little girl named Suzanne.
My name is Saskia, im 37 years old and live in The Netherlands.
Together with my boyfriend Marco and our cat Goser we live in Hengelo.
And we have a daughter named Suzanne, who is 1,5 years ols already.
Summer,Cats,Taking care of children and elderly people,My Boyfriend,Our daughter Suzanne and Sleeping in late :P
People that lie,cheat and talk behind someones back.
I also dont like childabuse and animalcruelty.
Surfing the internet and gaming on the internet, making 3D cards,shopping,watching a movie and sleeping in late:)
greeneyes74 has 12 friend(s)