Male 65 years old loxton Australia
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1302
    [ 1911 ]
Christian - other |
07/04/2014 14:17:45 |
Have over 100 DVDs in my collection. Mostly Action hero movies. Really like Bruce Willis, Van Damme, Arnie Schwarzanegger, Sylsvester Stallone Jason Statham, John Wayne, Brad Pitt especially in Fight Club,Avatar,Nicolas Cage.I really enjoy a movie where the action hero shoots or fights his way out of trouble and wins in the end. Don't like movies where the hero dies.Also like Transformers 1,2,3 Matrix 1,2,3, Blade 1,2,3 and Ironman 1,2. The A-Team. Narnia 1,2
Currently have 16,451 songs on my ipod That my daughter gave me for my 50th birthday. Enjoy most music from AC/DC to ZZ top, Rock, Jazz, Christian, Kasey Chambers{Aussie country}, Queen, Beatles, David Bowie, Silverchair, U2,
Have read every book Wilbur Smith has ever written. He is the best author I have ever come across. Also enjoy reading the Bible, especially the New Testament and the historical chapters in the old Testament
Cheesecake, pavlova, chocolate, most sweet things, a nice big steak cooked well, potato salad prepared properly, light fruitcake and a good Vanilla Slice or Custard square
Watching good movies, DVD's, visiting friends, listening to music and exercise and visiting my children and little grandchild, Penny
Walking 5kms a day, riding my exercise bike whilst listening to my ipod,weight-training, watching DVDs or a good movie on the TV, visiting close friends on a weekly basis,attending our mental health group Rainbow Connection and visitng my children and little grand daughter, Penny