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Still Working It Out

mem_normal OFFLINE
70 years old
corona, New Mexico
United States

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Profile Views: 1628
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Profile Views: 1629

JOB: Retired
SMOKE: Sometimes
DRINK: Sometimes
RELIGION: Protestant
MEMBER SINCE: 03/03/2009
LAST LOGIN: 12/04/2015 17:50:01

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P.S. I love you, 13th Warrior, Braveheart, Hope Floats, Home Fries, All the Indiana Jones movies, Ice Age

Chris Isaac, Jimmy Buffet, Roy Orbison, ABBA, Cyndi Lauper, Faron Young, Johnny Cash, Johnny Rodriguez, Waylon Jennings

The Bible, The Gurnsey and Potato Peel Pie Literary Society, The Graveyard Book, anything by Anne Perry, historical mysteries

Mauve, majenta,rose

shake and bake pork chops!! Fried oysters in Sopchoppie FL when I get to go!!

I live in a high mountain community in New Mexico. I love volunteering in our library. I am very involved in my church which I love even more. One of my children lives near me. Three do not which hurts but is good for them. I am married to a good man who is VERY active in our small community. I have some of my grandchilren near me. I am passionate about many things. Among them are child abuse, abortion, and the starvation and genocide in the Sudan in Africa. Someday I want to see Ireland. I want to step where my people stepped. I have two younger sisters and one baby sister who has passed away.

I like people who are honest. I like people who are funny and self deprecating. I like the end of the day just before it turns to night. I like to hear my babies say "I love you, NaNa". I like hugs from people I care about. I like books. I like Hobby Lobby. I like a new pair of shoes. I like a good mytery novel. I like the NW coast of the US. I think it is beautiful!!

I don't like dishonest people. I don't like hugs from people I don't know. I don't like to hear a lot of cursing especially from kids. I don't like people who drink alot. I don't like that we did nothing when Rwanda was being decimated with genocide. I don't like people who don't carry their own weight. I don't like big government. I don't like people who stand by and do nothing but complain about everything. I don't like my cats to come in the house after they have rolled in the dirt!!!

I love to paint, draw, read, walk, knit, crochet, discover new crafts, and explore my mountains. I like to fish. I like to travel. I like to work in the library because being around all those wonderful books just makes me happy!

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05/24/2021 06:21:19

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