I love my german shepherd dogs and arabian horses
Female 63 years old United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 619
[ 7 ]
10/30/2008 15:43:39 |
Murder mysteries. On T.V. Waltons reruns as well as Third watch. ER, Gray's anatomy, and L&O SVU.
Soft rock, Classical, Old time Country Music, and Music from the 40's era.
Murder mysteries. Sci-Fi. Favorite Authors include, C.J. Box, James Patterson, Terry Goodkind and J. Rowling...
Sky Blue, lavendar, and black. I know (what a combo huh?)
Anything that tastes good. I dislike the texture of Oysters, tomatoes, lima beans and cooked spinach, so I am reluctant to eat anything with those things in them though... LOL
I have had German Shepherd Dogs all my life and have had horses since I have been fifteen but have been riding them since the tender age of seven. I have always love Arabian horses and have stayed with the breed since my very first horse.
Camping with my husband, dogs,horses and friends. Trail riding with all of the above. Spending quiet time out doors in the summer watching the dogs play and the horses grazing on the green grass.
City life. Crowds of strangers. Rude unthoughtful people.
Gardening, Trail riding, training dogs.
iluvmygermanshepherds has 3 friend(s)