Female 78 years old Galena, Kansas United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 2666
 [ 108 ]
06/15/2020 12:37:16 |
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I have many favorite colors, but I suppose I would say that purple is my main one. I like any color that brings happiness to a sad heart.
Like too many things. I like chocolate, hamburgers, any thing that is sweet.
I don't have time to sit and read.
I love country music. There is hardly any feelings that are not covered in country.
I never go, but watch them on TV, like dramas and suspense.
Don't use Twitter, On Facebook.
I am a retired nurse and nursing home administrator. I worked in the healthcare setting for over 30 years. Finally retired after being the administrator in a home for 23 years. I love nursing homes, we made a lot of folks happy and I demanded quality care.
I am married, I had two children, a daughter and a son. My son passed away about 3 months. Worst days of my life. I need some friends to help me. Hope I find them on Not Over The Hill. I have 2 granddaughters.
I live in Kansas, was born in Tahlequah, Ok. Reason for my sign in name.
Country music, detective shows, anything on with mystery to it. I also watch all medical shows, such as 911, Grays Anatomy, PD live.
Not being able to get around like I use to.
Computer, home sales website, Casino, Ancestry information, understand where my family came from.
indian-outlaw has 4 friend(s)