Female 58 years old pendleton, Oregon United States
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Profile Views: 1022
[ 39 ]
03/15/2009 10:58:16 |
Oh, well since I love Horror books, you can bet I love Horror movies. I don't care much for the slasher movies, with lots of blood, but give me a little blood, with a lot of suspense and I am happy. I also love the classics. I love black and white movies . . . Abbot and Costello, love 'em!
"Meet me in St.Louis" is one of my all time favorite musicals; "Singin' in the Rain" is another.

Rock music, anything from Nickelback to AC/DC; Three Dog Night to Credence Clearwater . . . Of course, I think Neil Diamond and Barry Manilow are great, too. I saw Barry Manilow in concert with my mom and he was fantastic. I also had the opportunity to see Dolly Parton during the Holiday Season, and she puts on a great show. She sang a lot of christmas songs and the audience sang with her. It was great.
I love to read: autobiographies, biographies . . . I adore Horror--Stephen King and I have read everything he's written. When I was in 3rd grade, my sister gave me "white Fang" by Jack London for christmass and reading that book opened a new world for me. I have since read all of Jack London's work. Flannery O'Conner is a wonderful author, too. John Steinbeck is another favorite. I think "Travels with Charley" is my ultimate favorite Steinbeck story.

My favorite color is ORANGE. I love the warmth of the color; the comfort of darker oranges. But I also love the bright, craziness of the lighter oranges.

Aah, all foods are my favorite, but I would have to say that Mexican food is probably what I would choose should someone ask me out to dinner. However, a really good hamburger and french fries really can't be beat.

thank you for all the wonderful birthday greetings. what a surprise to see them all.
i was recently laid off from my job due to the economic strife America is suffering through and i have been a little depressed, but seeing all those greetings made my day.
thank you . . . love to all.
Well, you know that I am forty-two. I am married and I have two children. I have a fourteen-year old son, Dylan. I have a five-year old daughter, Hannah. I have a wonderful dog named Bosley (border collie cross) and a cat named Gary. oops. I forgot to mention my husband Brad.
I was raised on a farm . . . my mom is still there and she raises working quarter horses. We are very very close and without her I wouldn't be who I am now. She's the strongest woman I know. She's 72 and she is still out cleaning stalls, bucking hay, and fertilizing the fields.
I work with adult felons in a Correctional setting. I love what I do. I also teach art at the local Art Center. And, I sell Avon.
I studied Sociology and Writing and I have a Bachelors Degree. In the Fall, I am going to start working on my Masters in Public Safety. I am also working on my credentials to be a counselor.

I have a lot of things I like. I like animals, children, books, art, pomengranates (I think that's how you spell it). I like sleeping and reading. I like a nice rainy day. I like making crafts with my daughter. I like coffee with milk and a sugar substitute. I like when my husband makes me laugh. I like my son when he does things for his grandmother without being asked to. I like spinach and brussel sprouts

I don't like when people don't use their "blinkers" when they are driving in front of me. All I ask is that you let me know you are turning . . . it's such a little thing and it doesn't take much energy to turn on your blinkers; just a flick of your hand really.

I knit, crochet, paint, draw . . . mostly I knit and crochet. My favorite thing on a Sunday morning, is get a cup of coffee, watch a funny show, and crochet or knit. So relaxing . . .
My mom is a talented quilt maker (still hand stitches the most perfect little stitches). I would love to someday be as talented as she is with quilts.
