tinker belle
Female 88 years old Illinois United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1018
[ 22 ]
11/28/2009 10:55:49 |
Don't watch many as I get sleepy and miss out on the ending. I guess my favorite is Overboard and Fried Green Tomatoes.
Gospel and country 
Don't read much except for the Bible and ladies magazenes. I get too sleepy when I read.
shades of blue and lavendar
Fried chicken, steak, coconut pie and homemade icecream
I am a volunteer for Hospice and the Nursing Home. I was a nurse for 38 yrs and retired when my husband was diagnosed with cancer. He passed away in 2001. I had 3 daughters, but lost one 3 yrs ago from a heart attack at age 49 and 7 grandchildren. Lost a grandson last June. have 15 great grandchildren and one due in Aug. 
People who are honest and don't try to run others down. I like to fish and walk when I am able and I enjoy the outdoor  s.
Nosey people who try to run others business and people who abuse the elderly and children. People who lie and take advantage of others. And I don't like snakes
flowers, computer, camping and volunteer work