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mem_normal OFFLINE
55 years old
Burkesville, Kentucky
United States

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JOB: Student
RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 06/26/2008
LAST LOGIN: 02/16/2009 14:36:38

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"Bridges of Madison County" is my all-time fav. I also love "GREASE", "Gone With the Wind", "Sweet Home Alabama", "Forest Gump", "When a Man Loves a Woman", "Cold Mountain", anything humorous, or with a good love story. I also like movies with a lot of suspense, but NOT the "Freddy Kruger" or "Jason" horror type.

Mostly country, southern rock, and music from the 70's. I love song lyrics, and write songs of my own. I sing them, but doubt anyone else ever will.

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"Rebecca", "Wuthering Heights", " Follow the River", some of Danielle Steel, some of Nicholas Sparks, and some by Chris Bohjalian, and, basically, anything with a good plot, a love story, some humor, and a little suspense. I am beginning to like some crime novels, too. I like to read about life in times of slavery, and pioneer days. I love Dr. Seuss's "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas", and the classic " 'Twas the Night Before Christmas".

All the colors of nature.

I love to eat! My favorites are: Mexican, and good old southern fare that I cook up at home. I love desserts, too. I love pizza, and burgers cooked on the grill. I like all the so-called " comfort foods" that they say are bad for us, ( anything that tastes good is bad for us, I guess). I like Big Mac's from Mcdonalds. I like Taco Bell. I enjoy eating at O'Charley's, Logan's Roadhouse, Red Lobster, King Fish, BBQ places, Itallian places, KFC, Long John Silver's, Arby's, and Krystal, Bob Evan's, and Tumbleweed. Chinese Food is my least favorite, but if the restaurant is clean, I can find something to satisfy me.

I value my children, above all on earth. I strive to teach them about God, and how HE would want them to live. I have fibromyalgia, and painful neuropathy in my toes and feet, for which I have to take med. that dulls my mind, and clouds my memory. I am hoping to attend college in the fall. I am interested in photojournalism, and criminal justice. I enjoy laughing, and talking with friends. I am in a very troubled marriage, and do not know if I am going to stay. We are in counseling right now.

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Thoughtfulness, kindness, compassion, honesty, sincerity, and, especially, LAUGHTER! The ocean, travel, history, archaeology, antiques, vintage Santas and Christmas items, graniteware, vintage linens, including chenille bedspreads, EBAY, Being with family and friends, hearing anyone say, "I love You", the arms of my little boy around my neck, a refreshing summer breeze, Spring, Summer, and Fall, a good book, a clean house, freshly laundered sheets, good smells, fresh breath, long bubble baths, big purses, quilts, my cat, my neck pillow, memory foam, air-conditioning, FREEDOM!, and Dale Hollow Lake.

Rudeness, selfishness, poverty, illness, pain and suffering, negativity, sleepless nights, loneliness, people who are critical and judgemental of others.

Photography, scrapbooking, and relaxing at the lake.

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07/27/2021 06:28:39

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