one day at a time .. peace and love
Female 78 years old skokie, Illinois United States
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Profile Views: 1765
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Christian - other |
03/23/2010 00:12:46 |
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badlands, true love, platoon,
saving of private ryan, good-bye girl.
classical, christian, good rock and roll, some disco, some folk, cream, jimi hendrix, just about anything kathleen battle sings..
the Bible,
the purpose driven life
the body never lies
romance novels by jayne ann krentz
j d robb mysteries
children's books, esp sandra boynton's
the blue of the water and the sky next to the beige brown of the sand on a beach. see movies: badlands.
just about EVERYTHING, that is part of my problem..
i'm retired and live with my life's partner, joel near chicago. he is disabled and i care for him as a labor of love.. and he cares for me in turn.. we have no children, by choice.
got my first computer as a gift from joel almost two years ago and love it..
i am a survivor of incest and am active in survivors of incest anonymous..
i live my life as a gift from God, one day at a time, and my most important relationship is with my Lord, Jesus.
i believe that God is love and that i want to love my friends as i love myself..
the love i receive from God i believe comes from prayer and from my good friends, like the ones i am finding here..
i am trying to lose some weight for my health (too much pressure on those arthritic joints!) as well as my appearance.. and it is a real STRUGGLE.. overeaters anonymous helps. and i exercise to help with the pain..
hoping you all are having a superfragalistic day, even better than you had hoped for. and those of you suffering pain and sorrow, may the good Lord comfort you and bring you peace.
friends like the ones i am finding here on the hill..
volunteering: i read to disadvantaged young children at a daycare center.. am training at to become a crisis and helpline counselor, chatting online with people who need a caring, listening ear and maybe a prayer.
computers: i have a mac and need all the help i can get with graphics, pics, and all that good stuff.. i've only been using a computer for about 2 years and love it. have met soooo many wonderful people online..
playing with the gabriel, my friends young son. watching him grow and learn. the best put together little person i ever knew..
not too much .. except for child abuse
life is good
and is what you make of it (with a little help from God and my friends)
computers, communication, crafts. (any knifty knitters out there?) sudoku puzzles, making stretchy bracelets and knit caps, a little photography, i like to play.. a little of this and a little of that.