I don't like violent movies or spooky ones enjoy a good drama or comedy, depends on the actors.
I like most music but not heavy metal or jazz. Enjoy some Classical.
I like a good mystery, and usually read anything that looks interesting, often disappointed as I can't stand these authors who describe what people are wearing or their latest hair do and fill half the book with it!!
Usually blue but sometimes red depends on the mood at the time.
A good old fashioned roast followed by apple pie and cream.
Living in this country town where all the people are so friendly and helpful. I enjoy the peace and quiet and the friends I have made. I read a lot and we have a mobile library visits once a week so I am able to change books quite regularly.
Of course I spend a lot of time here on my computer, would be lost without it these days along with the friends I have found in my travels tthrough the net.
Abusive people, crowds, cheats and especially impatient drivers. Phone calls selling things or telling me I have won some marvelous holiday and they usually manage to interrupt meal times.
Not many these days used to have 'Gold Fever' and spent many happy hours out with the metal detector...didn't have a lot of luck but it was good to be out in the forest and fresh air. Too much for me now, leave that to my son who also caught the bug!!