Female 88 years old west bend, Wisconsin United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1297
[ 54 ]
04/08/2015 02:01:51 |
I rarely go to the movies, but like to rent or borrow good drama movies to watch at home.I like to watch concerts on my VCR and DVD.
I enjoy classical music, pop classics, opera, and easy listening music. I also like barbershop music, and at one time was very involved in it, being in a quartet called the Merritones,that took first place in competitian in the mid west US.I also sang in a large Accapella choir.
My favorite vocalists are Andrea Bocelli, Josh Groban, El Divo, Helmut Lotti, Sarah Brightman and others that sing that kind of music. I think I own all the Operas recorded by Andrea Bocelli,and his Cd's, and listen to him almost every day.
I love to read, and especially like historical biographies,biographical novels, personal biographies, good novels, and some tecnical or referrance books.I subscribe to a lot of magazines, but must admit I have a hard time keeping up with them.
I like several colors, but am partial to blue
I like most foods, but love to go out for Chinese food.I like a lot of fruits, and when in the mood, I like to try new recipes.
I also have a page on My space under the name of Eskergirl, have made a lot of friends there, but must admit I don't get there as often as I would like to.
I am a retired nurse,having worked in many areas of nursing, including ICU, Administration, and teaching. I had to retire because of back problems, after working in the field for about 30 years.I am married, have a married son, a daughter who died about 10 years ago,a married step daughter with 2 children, and a step son.I also have 2 grandchildren by the daughter who is deceased.The two grandchildren by my daughter are grown, and the two by my step daughter are 10 and 12. I have a sister that I am very close to. In fact she is the one who introduced me to this site.
I have three loving kitties, one 6 yrs old, and the other two are kittens that I just adopted before Christmas.I love them dearly. I love Cats, and have had them all my life, sometimes as many a 5 at a time. They all grew to old age.
My Mom is still living and will soon be 95 yrs of age.She resides in a Nursing home, and except for memory is in pretty good health. She still plays the piano. We moved it with her to the Nursing Home, and she loves to entertain the other residents.That is one thing she has not forgotten to do.
Unfortunately, I have a lot of medical problems, including heart disease(I had heart surgery three years ago)after having a heart attack.I also have a lot of back problems and knee problems, for which I am going to have to have knee replacements in the future.I'm postponing it as long as I can.These things sadly keep me from doing a lot of things I would like to do, and have had to give up.My husband and I were lively Square Dancers, and I really miss that. .
I love going to concerts, the opera, and the ballet.I listen to music everyday.
I like writing letters, and have met a lot of friends all over the world by getting involved in a fan club for Helmut Lotti, a Belgian Tenor. I had the privalege of going to Canada a couple of times to hear him in concert, and was able to meet some of the friends I got to know who live in Europe and came to Canada to join us all. What fun we had.I have been in contact with a girl who I met 9 years ago from Germany, when she was only 15, and we have become very close. I think of her like a daughter and she calls me her american Mom.I hope to meet her someday.
I don't like people who have a negative attitude about everything, and try to tell others how to run their lives.I feel that people have a right to their own opinion, but should also give others the right to feel and think the way they want.
I also feel people should be kind and helpful towards others.I get very upset with people who are abusive to other people and animals.
I live in the country on a mini farm, but no longer have any animals. I have always loved animals, and have had horses, which I rode a lot, I have bred and raised Llamas, and French Lop Rabbits. I got involved in 4-H with the Llamas, and had children whom I worked with in training and showing them at the fair.I love to garden, but am having a difficult time this year because of back and knee problems.I do what I can.I like to do needle work, try new recipes, play the piano, and work on my computer.We recently bought a Camcorder, and I'm trying to learn how to use it.
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