Friends! I love friends!
Female 91 years old Sainte Genevieve United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1428
[ 10 ]
07/13/2008 15:09:30 |
Watch some on TV. Don't go to the theater often.
Classic Country, some soft R&R, Gospel
Love books. One author I particularly like is Debbie Macomber.
Blue, all hues.
Pinks, roses, reds
Some light greens
Live in a wooded, gated community. Mostly older homes. I live in an old cabin with my love whom I met on the internet in 2003. He's wonderful...
widowed in Feb. 2000. Have 2 sons 1 daughter, and 3 grandsons, 1 grandaughter. All live in the East in 3 different states.
Reading, Walking, making cards, a little scrapbooking, surfacing Not on the Hill.
Enjoy communicating with others, playing Bingo at our Nutrition Center.
Reading, making cards, scrapbooking