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mem_normal OFFLINE
64 years old
United States

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JOB: Homemaker
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MEMBER SINCE: 01/10/2009
STAR SIGN: Aquarius
LAST LOGIN: 08/27/2014 19:25:20

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My favorite movies are horror movies, the scarrier the better.I also like scifi and good action movies..
The Mist28 Weeks Later (Widescreen Edition)Day of the Dead [Blu-ray]Night of the Living DeadResident Evil / Resident Evil: Apocalypse

Create Your Own!

Mostly I like old time rock-n-roll. Check out my music player, some of my favorites. Some country, not the old sad songs, mostly the newer ones.

I Love Owls...


Romance novels, specially historic romance, they take me away calgon,,haha...
Falcon Moon (Lakota)Savage Shadows (Savage (Leisure Paperback))The Outlaw Viking (Timeswept)Chase the Wind Create Your Own!
These are just a few I have read...

This is My Page on the "Hill." These are some of my favorite colors. My very favorite color is purple tho.


purple bird
home sweet home

country cat

I love pizza. I guess pizza is my favoritest food of all. Salad, it goes well with pizza. Oh, I can't forget tacos, mmmmmm good. Oh yes, and chocolate cake, dont forget the dessert. OK, well with chocolate ice cream on it.

O.K. I'm finally getting the hang of this, and I love tinkerin with my page, so till I get it right I'll just keep tinkerin....

FINALLY! We are getting some snow. It's beautiful.
As you can tell I love snow too. We are getting more snow right now, Feb. 3, and its also cold, now that I don't like.

I have been tinkering around some in gimp and have learned a few things. Here is some of the things I have made. It is really hard to get the hang of but I'm trying. It is quite fun, when your not sitting there pulling your hair out in fustration,,,lol
Some of the things on 'My Page" was made in the programs on my comp. They're not perfect, mind you, but I like 'em.

Here are a few of my favorite pics I would like to share with everyone on "The Hill", enjoy...

I dont like "talkin bout What I Dont Like", so I'll just put more things "I Do Like", LOL
glass horse
luv horses

Watching movies, good scary movies mostly, taking care of all my babies, (my animals), I have 2 horses, 9 cats, oh yeah and 5 new babies, 3 dogs and a rabbitt. I also enjoy my computers, I have 3 and a lot of different paint and photo programs. I have PSP X, PhotoShop 7, Photobie, PhotoFiltre and Gimp. Oh yea and Paint.net.(This 1 is hard to work with,,LOL)
my cats

mablebaby has 5 friend(s)

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