Female 97 years old Wheelock, Vermont United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 902
[ 6 ]
04/02/2010 15:21:49 |
I like funny movies, old classics, good westerns, adventure movies.
What I don't like are violent action films.
Everything except acid rock, corny bluegrass, and much of the gospel music. (I like my religion on the quiet side.)
I have a huge collection of old LP's, cassettes, and CD's and listen to them a lot.
My most favorite when I'm feeling down in some good ol' blues.
Mostly non-fiction. I like to learn! I like the old classics, in the fiction. My absolute favorites would be the classic Russian writers, as in Tolstoy, Dostyevsky, Pushkin, etc, etc.
Red....real true red. After red, I like all the other winter colors, icy, clear, crisp.
It's easier to say what I don't like! That would be liver, oily fish. If it's a vegetable or a fruit, or a nut, get it out of my sight as I will eat it for sure. Probably look around for more!
I twittered all my life. Now what is this new "twitter?" Is it something I should learn to do?
Hello to everyone on the Hill. I wish each of you the best in everything you do and think. Be healthy. Be happy!
If I were to say I was over the hill, I wouldn't belong on this site. Just say I'm so close to being "over the hill" that I may have to take a detour. That's not a bad idea!
I am recently 82 years old, retired, love living in the northest corner of Vermont. I am alone, but have a friend who helps
I like most of all to be outdoors in the woods or by the ocean. Well, any body of water would do.
I like friends who are themselves, open, honest, with a sense of humor, easy-going, who enjoy life and enjoy living it.
I like traveling around, seeing things, learning things. I like to people-watch.
I like Nature in all her forms and moods.
Violence! Arguments! Thin-skinned people around whom one must walk on eggs. Liars, cheats, and frauds.
I do beading and leather work. Natural since I am of Native American descent. Crafty, I guess.
I like to cook and drool over any new recipe. I collect them like a kid collects dirt.
I collect sand, and have little bottles from beaches in many parts of the world.
Although I would not call myself an artist, I do like to paint. Water colors are my favorite medium.
manywords has 4 friend(s)