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72 years old

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JOB: Retired
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MEMBER SINCE: 11/17/2008
LAST LOGIN: 11/16/2014 19:22:08

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Nov 19 2008, 7:24 pm by marianw
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Western, mystery, suspense and TV shows such as Criminal Minds, CSI and the various Law and Order shows. The series 24 is another favourite. I also like any kind of movies and videos which are horse related. Nature films are a big time favourite as well.

I dedicate my monkey creation to my dear friend MonkeyButt.

Dashunds in the garden. Dashunds are one of my favourite dogs. They have very funny characters and always like to get into mischief. At least my little guy Waldi was hilarious most of his short life.

My youngest daughter's horse Munchkin.

I like a number of rock and roll, some country, and a variety of other types of music. In my younger years Elvis Presley was my all time favourite singer. These days I like to listen to different types of music with James Blunt being at the top of the list. Johnny Rivers, Johnny Horton, Roy Orbison are also favourie singers.

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Mainly mystery novels by Mary Higgins Clark. I also like most Daniel Steel, and a lot of the historial romance novels.

Also most horse related books and Nora Roberts books and movies.


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Just a meat, vegetables and potatoes gal. Fish and crunchy kinds of salads are some of my favourite foods. I also like cheese and soup.

Hello to all of my friends on the Hill!! I have found a short span of time to update my page and say a heart felt thank you to all of my friends on the Hill who have been sending comments. Although I am not on-line too much, I do appreciate the continuing contact.

I enjoy a retired life at home in Tiverton, Ontaro, which is a small town on the shore of Lake Huron. I am married and have two daughters and a Grandaughter. We have two cats, a rabbit and one family quarter horse and aquarium fish. I lead a fairly active life. Gardening keeps me very busy from spring to the end of the fall. I am also an active volunteer for a Therapuetic Riding Stable named Prance. For a year plus, I acted as the Volunteer Coordinater and sat on the Board of Directors as Secretary for Prance. When I allow the time, I can spend hours at the computer, simply just learning various things such as trying to understand most elements about the operating system and just doing fun stuff. I am always trying out new things with the computer and fortunately haven't crashed it yet.

Periodically in this section about me, I am going to have a little corner with facts about horses, cowboys and just western history facts in general. My sources for the info will be online info. Most of the time my theme will be about horses. However because I like all kinds of animals and anything about nature, I will sometimes add info for other favourites in the Triva Corner


Roy Rogers was everyone's image of what a cowboy should be, from his white Stetson with its silver hatband to his hand-tooled boots. His face was strong and handsome with eyes that squinted yet still showed a twinkle. His smile was warm and reassuring. Whether he was wearing fringed Western wear or a checkered cowboy shirt, he was the epitome of what a cowboy should be. He was the picture of honesty and integrity. And was there ever a more exciting sight than watching Roy and Trigger riding majestically across the television screen or a rodeo arena? No wonder three generations of kids (and adults) wanted to be like Roy Rogers. We wanted to look like Roy, dress like Roy, and be as honest and forthright as Roy.

He gave us standards to live by that helped teach us the difference between right and wrong. His willingness to stand up for the things he believed in inspired us. And his religious faith and his concern for the less fortunate helped mold our character. Roy lived his life off camera with the same decency and humility that he projected on television and on the silver screen. He was the hero who never let us down. Despite all the success that came to him, Roy never seemed to lose his way. And he never forgot that his fans were the ones who made it possible for a poor boy from Ohio to attain a level of success greater than anything he could ever have imagined. His decency and strength of character come from a simpler time in America. Yet it was anything but an easy time.

Roy Rogers, the King of the Cowboys, was actually born in the city. It was in Cincinnati, Ohio, on November 5, 1911, that Leonard Slye (later to be known as Roy Rogers) was born to Mattie and Andy Slye. Years later, the building where he was born was torn down to make way for Riverfront Stadium (recently renamed Cinergy Field), the home of the Cincinnati Reds baseball team. Roy liked to say that he was born right where second base is now located. But the Slye family was never cut out for city life, so a few months after Roy was born, Andy Slye moved his family to Portsmouth, Ohio (a hundred miles east of Cincinnati), where they lived on the houseboat that he and Roy's uncle built. When Roy was seven years old his father decided it was time they settled on solid ground, so he bought a small farm in nearby Duck Run. Living on a farm meant long hours and hard work, but no matter how hard they worked the land there was little money to be made. Roy often said that about all they could raise on their farm were rocks. Eventually Andy Slye realized that he'd have to return to his old factory job at the United States Shoe Company in Cincinnati if he was going to be able to support his family. Since his father would be able to return home only on weekends, this meant that even more of the responsibilities for farm chores fell onto Roy's young shoulders.

Mattie Slye suffered from lameness as a result of the polio she had contracted as a child, and Roy always marveled at the way she was able to raise four active children (Roy and his sisters, Mary, Cleda, and Kathleen) despite her disability. Still, farm life agreed with Roy, who often rode to school on Babe, the old, sulky racehorse his father had bought for him. According to Roy, "We lived so far out in the country, they had to pipe sunlight to us." Living on the farm meant they had to make their own entertainment, since radio was in its earliest days and television was far in the future. On Saturday nights the Slye family often invited some of their neighbors over for a square dance, during which Roy would sing and play the mandolin. Before long he became skilled at calling square dances, and throughout the years he always enjoyed finding opportunities to showcase this talent in his films and television appearances.

My two favourite Horses: Munchkin and Woody

I really enjoy being around horses, even though I am only at a very basic level of riding. It is very interesting just learning about the natural ways of the horse such as how they communicate. I also like cats, dogs and most things nature related.

I also enjoy spending some time on Face Book.

Marian Williamson

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I do not like to be surprised by a snake in the garden. During the Spring to Summer months I do not like the ants coming into our house.

Gardening, Computing, Photography, Genealogy, biking and fast walking are my main interests.

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