MiMi in love with Jesus
Female 76 years old Maurice, Louisiana United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1005
  [ 214 ]
Christian - other |
04/29/2009 18:03:28 |
Passion of Christ
One Night with the King
Madea plays
Greek, Mexican, Chinese, American
Adopted Cajun in Maurice Louisiana. I love living near my 3 children and 3 grand children. They fill my life with much laughter. I must work (would rather play in my garden haha) My job is interesting and unique ...
part time, I video and photograph (mostly for friends and charities so far) check my page at www.2coopersphotography.com
I have been producing an online newsletter for over 7 years called Joy News .. If interested email and ask to join our Joy family... it is free. ALWAYS
Serving the Lord Jesus, being in worship with other believers in HIM... Giving all Glory and Praise and Honor to Jesus!
lying, deceiving, gossiping, unforgiving, judgemental, etc. (Knowing that I love the sinner, while hating the sin)
working in garden, crochet, ebaying, newsletter creating (Joy News) photography (www.2coopersphotography.com)
enjoying grandchildren haha