Feel free to snag anything that strikes your fancy...i probably snagged it from someone lol
Female 74 years old Canada
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Oct 15 2008, 4:04 pm by moosie
Hi Folks, Ive not been around for awhile, life seems to be interupting my playtime lol. i came in to night to update my page and discovered somethings in the site have changed ..and I'm too tired to deal with it...I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that you hae the happiest New Year
I was born and raised in Newfoundland, on Canadas east coast, the eldest of 11 kids. When i was 18 dad moved us and all we owned, to Baffin Island. My family stayed there for 5 years then moved to YELLOWKNIFE, N.W.T. I stayed on BaFFIN FOR ANOTHER 5 YEARS, THEN went to Yukon to visit friends..and deciced to stay. Met a guy, married him, we farmed for about 25 years. He died 18 months ago. I have since met a wonderful man, we've been together a year now, moved to Saskatchewan shortly after we met...and love it here. I wasn't blessed with kids but have 'inherited' a 23 year old stepdaughter, her partner, and two delightful grandbabies, bot girls, one id 6 months old, the other 2 years old. Miracles do happen lolol
I love to write..mostly about what i know best..me lolol...I tend to write in rhyming prose, some may be silly, some sad...but they all come from my heart....
Green Eyed Monster The green eyed monster lurks within the drool of glee on his mouth and chin he chuckles and laffs and hides inside where he suckles on envy, wounded pride, and desire he feeds and he feasts, and keeps stoking the fire. He fattens and grows, sole purpose to annoy till replete he leaps forward with a shout of great joy in his glory now, how his eyes do shine, as he wreaks havoc on hearts and muddles up minds jealousy, accusations, betrayal and more he continues to dance till my soul is quite sore, he tangos and waltzes he dips and he spins, he foxtrots, he taps and he twists in my head, he sambas and jives till friendships are dead. He's hard to control, this evil emotion as hard as controlling the waves in the ocean, he lies there quite dormant, this demon inside till some quirky ocurrance, some need to vent unleashes this misery to hurt and torment.
Memory and Promise
In my hand I hold a memory gold circle, gleaming stone from a love thats now gone, 'stone cold,' a love that touched my mind my soul, fills my heart to overflowing still. but my hands cannot, should not touch. One touch, one word, and all would be lost. For a moment in my lifetime, i felt your love surround me, for a heartbeat that will last forever, my love will never fade.  A private love, a secret love, hidden for all time, hidden from your world and from mine. I cannot love you openly, nor be your one and only . My eyes stream with bitter tears, for that which in another liftetime, would have been. Now near my hand, a vase of blood red roses brought to me each night, a gift of love, so open, so free, a gift of love for only me. His daughters made me welcome into their world with hugs. one heart, broken, one heart split apart one heart, two pieces, one filled to overflowing, the other growing with a love so new it doesn't yet have memories