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80 years old
Puerto Rico

Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 4733
[ 784 ]

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Profile Views: 4734

JOB: Artist
SMOKE: Socially
RELIGION: Protestant
MEMBER SINCE: 08/29/2008
STAR SIGN: Scorpio
LAST LOGIN: 11/10/2023 15:59:24

My favorite colors are combinations. ie.
white and khaki
khaki and pink
white and navy blue
black with white
beige with beige
light salmon, light blue and khaki
teal green

steak, sea food stews
shrimps and champagne
roasted red, yellow and green peppers
broccoli steamed with rich olive oil and sea salt
roasted red small potatoes with garlic/olive oil
pasta with clams
spinach salad with mushrooms, bacon & blue cheese
hardy stews with multi choice of vegetables

12/19/2020 10:30:25
12/18/2020 16:39:16
05/29/2017 12:00:31
02/12/2016 09:43:00

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I signed up to Twitter. Where do I put my Twitter out there so people can see it?????

I will be turning 65 in Nov.and it is hard to believe. I was born in the South, they called me a #@#$% cause I had no father. I was adopted at about 18 months old, then my aopted father shot my mother in the shoulder and he returned upstairs and shot himself. My adopted mother did not want a child, so I was put up in different homes and lived in several. I was never close to anyone as a child. I was badly mistreated, abused, in all senses. I was once put to bed for two weeks because I bite my nails. I had castor oil poured down my throat for punishment, and was beaten daily. It was not long till I was sexual abused. It was tough. I lived in Tn. W.VA. and Va. and also Ga. Finally at the age of 17 I left Norfolk, Va. and hitch hiked to New York. I left all my personal things behind and my life as well. I just knew that a better life there had to be. I took my chances. I struggled in NY as I was only 17, alone, no money. It took me into a dark world to survive, but,I did. Finally after so much trauma, a young man in NY was popular, I was able to get a job at 18 in a department store, Bonita Teller. This gave me a new opening and I ceased on the opportunity. I used my street smarts to survive and I took the time to learn a craft. There were a few good things in my past that I had crafted. I was a great dancer, I watch how people used forks and spoons, I read, I started going to the theater and I found that I had a gift of talent that became my carreer. I developed myself to be sophisticated and was earning my way into a new society and acceptance. I continued to learn about authors, designers, music, the ballet and theater, and fashion. I would always look backward at Christmas time and other holidays, and wonder why I had none of the things that seemed to be normal in others lives. I would always try to find my maternal mother, and also would try to contact my adopted mother. She in turn, had married seven times by the last time I had talked to her. Most of them passed away I was told. The last time that I searched her out, I was already 21 and after learning she had passed, this seemed to end my passion for learning where I had come from. There was no one else from my past, no relatives, so, this ended an era for me. I continued to learn and grow, and my career turn me into a designer, a young person that learned how to cook Juliet Child, how to set a table. learn what a Lilly was from a rose, how to entertain, and I acquired a group of new Friends. I find out things about myself that I was satisfied with, I was a Democratic, I was Gay, and I was not going to have any family. I now live in Puerto Rico, with a companion that I have been with, and or have known for more than 35 years. 2007 was a bad year for my health, I ended up in a coma for nine days, ICU for three weeks, and then three weeks of recovery. I had a colonscopia for three months on my left side and this took some adjusting too. and then in 2008, Ihad more surgery to put things back into order, and it was successful. I am now basically back, although I am a little disabled in certain things, I am doing well. I love living in Puerto Rico,as I get to sit back and see what is going on In America. I am an Obama fan, and think he is not getting a fair deal. I think it is time that the people voted for him get out and start speaking up. And where is Oprah???? He needs his support team more than ever now. But, then, this is not about me. I own my second dog in 20 years, her name is Dorothy, because I had to import her from Kansas. She is a Silky Terrier and now seven years old.

I like movies, mostly at home now. I love watching good music videos. I love have friends over, but in small groups. I love setting a beautiful table and preparing fresh food from the kitchen to eat. I love the end of a dinner party because we all have had too much wine. I love having fresh flowers, and I always burn at least one candle at night. I love candles. I like watching the news, but, I watch too much. I love that I have an open mind and very democratic.

Conservative right wing politicians.
People who lie. People who argue in public, talking in a theater, anyone who slaps a child. Any narrow minded people, and people who have no sense of humor. People who spew hatred in their heart and voice such.

I like old movies, and I love to cook and entertain. I like getting involved in programs like PETA and causes where maybe I can make a differecne. I like swimming and reading a good mystery. Pc has now become something that I use often, so, guess this would now also be a hobby. I like taken pictures and downloading them and create albums. Music I always enjoy, and like listening to most. If it is good, I like it. Taken care of my dog has beomce a hobby also.

Displaying 4 out of 9 comments
10/11/2021 07:14:11

Hi Thom, dropping in to see if you have been here. I check in now and than. I will have to get on here more often. Hugs, take care

10/09/2021 14:51:06


See the source image

04/21/2021 11:09:50

Good Afternoon, Pray all is well with you. Hope to see you soon here.

02/06/2021 10:22:18

Stopping by to say Hello and hope your day is a good one. Hugs

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