semi-retired and trying to enjoy it
Female 82 years old Wisconsin United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 946
[ 19 ]
Christian - other |
10/05/2013 11:02:53 |
"You Want to Make a Memory"-Bon Jovi
"Chasing Cars"--Snow Patrol
Most Andrea Bocelli
"I Just Love You"-Five for Fighting
there are too many to list
Mysteries --any era or time frame--straight out detective, romantic or mystical (esp)----
purples and violets
Teals and blue-greens
no real favorites, actually not that important to me.
I enjoy reading while I listen to music, I also enjoy flowers and other greenery and any body of water.........I even enjoy the rain as long as I don't have to be out in it. Nature is one of God's miracles that doesn't cost anything to enjoy on a daily basis.
There isn't much I don't like........I don't really like the odor of cigarette smoke or the way it makes the house and your clothes smell. I also can't tolerate being around an alcoholic. I realize it is a disease for most but I don't have to sit there and be subjected to their abuse, so I will leave the room or where ever to be away from their space.
I don't like unneccesary rudeness........
| (sometimes)....
crocheting....crossword puzzles (easy or medium )
jig saw puzzles...
watching nature....