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mem_normal OFFLINE
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Standing before such a beautiful and powerful creature Staring into shining brown eyes Breathing in the beautiful, musty scent of ancient magic This creature stands before me like I stand before it. So like a beast on the outside So deep and true on the inside Eyes filled with the knowledge of the ancients This creature who is as old as time The bringer of magic, the unicorn

Above, in the clouds. His proud head held high. His magnificent horn, a lance of pearl and ice. His tail, a bushy plume of rainbows. Broad wings climbing the sky. Cascades of sparks from his hooves. The Unicorn, as free as the north wind.

There's magic in Unicorn tears so precious, gentle, and dear Worth more than silver or gold for they are of the heart and soul Yes! Unicorn tears are real and have magic powers that heal These tears bring happiness and can cure because a Unicorn's heart is so pure... It's something you cannot readily see but Unicorn tears are absolutely free! They're not buy and sell deals for it's what the heart feels... When a friend offers a hand to guide your heart will feel Unicorn tears inside Unicorn tears are like beautiful words you hold so precious when heard ... This beautiful beast with the Magic horn you ask, "Where are all the Unicorns"...? Some folks search far and wide and never find where Unicorns hide But there are a very special few around that truly know where Unicorns are found! Watch! Unicorns still dance the wind they're magical spirits have no end... If you ever feel a Unicorn's tears you'll know because you heart fills with a warm glow... They usually fall from way above and are felt with words like LOVE

Nothing is more magical...As long as they roam the Earth, evil cannot harm the pure of heart

The people that see them share some of the unicorn's traits - they're lonely...with virtuous hearts.

To my Mystical world of the Unicorn,stay a while, enjoy the Peace and Beauty of my World.

The Mystery of the Unicorn : The Unicorn is one of the most mysterious of all animals. It has been glorified in folk tales, songs, poems, and stories for centuries; and it remains one of the great "unsolved mysteries" of the world. Despite the widely held belief in its existence, it has not been seen in centuries ; and the popular Eastern image from Chinese folklore is very different from the familiar Western image of a white horse-like creature. The only consistent fact is that a Unicorn has a single horn in the middle of its forehead. For true believers, the fact that it no longer exists only adds to the mystique; placing it in the same realm as the dinosaurs, the mammoth, and possibly such unknown creatures as Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. Others believe the Unicorn still exists in remote regions and can be discovered only by those of exceptional virtue and honesty. In the meantime, we can marvel at its beauty and pay tribute to its unique place in the culture and history of the world.

Wherever they may have come from, and wherever they may have gone, unicorns live inside the true believer's heart. Which means that as long as we can dream, there will be unicorns.

"The unicorns were the most recognizable magic the fairies possessed, and they sent them to those worlds where belief in the magic was in danger of failing altogether. After all there has to be some belief in magic - however small - for any world to survive.

The unicorn is a lonely, solitary creature that symbolizes hope.

The Unicorn is noble; He keeps him safe and high Upon a narrow path and steep Climbing to the sky; And there no man can take him; He scorns the hunter's dart And only a virgin's magic power Shall tame his haughty heart

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