My Quiet Life in The Country
Female 82 years old Miscouche Canada
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Christian - other |
03/01/2010 22:52:30 |
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Watch a lot of movies on TV, theatres are no longer fun as with age, the seats are uncomfortable. Much better at home knitting while I watch also love drama and crime shows. Animal movies always m  Myspace Friends Graphicsake me cry.
Don't read as much as I used to but I have a couple of books on the go. My eyes bother me and I seem to get drowsy. Besides as soon as I take up a book, my hubby wants to talk about something. It seems to be an instinct with him. LOL  Myspace Cartoon Comments
If I could do without eating I would but because my body says I must then my favourite food is seafood, a  Myspace Graphicsnd fudge.
I have just taken in a third dog. My little pomeranian, who was doomed. She is six years old and doing ok with my other babies. She is very afraid of my Lucky, who is malamute and collie and huge to her. The cats are wary of her but gradually getting back to their routine. All my pets were unwanted.
I am married to a wonderful man. Have two step-children, had foster children as well. Have three step grandkids. I am a breast cancer survivor, twice and so far so good. Health wise I am good except for osteo in my spine and side effects of Arimidex, a cancer script which is causing bone damage. I volunteer as treasurer for our local hospital auxiliary and in our gift shop. It has been nine years since I began. I was a bookkeeper in a former life. LOL
Nature, watching the birds in my back yard, listening to frogs in the spring, flowers, the sound of a brook, the swish of the leaves in the trees on a quiet summer day. Staying in when it is snowing and cold. Photographing my flowers and wildlife around me.
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Liars, hypocricy, snobbishness, dishonesty, and people who put on airs and think they are better than those around them. I dislike rap music and loud noises, people who don't like/ treat animals cruelly. I don't like people who talk down to seniors and treat them like children.
Photography, puttering in my flower beds, can't kneel now because of problems, but still try. Like to knit, sew and make small quilts and lap quilts. Love playing games on computer.
You can find me on Poga- Player McGinty
Facebook-also on Webshots- Luckie2
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