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Female 69 years old Swansboro, North Carolina United States
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Profile Views: 1109
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04/19/2010 08:38:12 |
Dirty Dancing, Star Trek- the old one and the new one. Disney movies Mostly the older ones. MASH. I don't go to the movies. I wait until it comes out on DVD. Cheaper that way.
A little of everything except rap and heavy metal. Not up much on the new country music.I like 50's and 60's music like the Drifters and the Platters.Also pan flute music and the bagpipes. But I don't really listen to music often.
I don't really have a favorite book. I collect books, especially recipe books, gardening books and travel books. I have favorite authors that I collect like Zane Grey which I have been gathering since I was about 10 and Piers Anthony(just some of his).Oh, and Anne McCaffrey. I am a big reader of her books.I like books about forgotten history stories and unusual topics and I like ghost stories. Ones about real? ghosts, not made up ones.
I like all the colors except black and white. Are they really considered basic colors? My house is a mish-mash of blue in one room, greens in another and a horrendous pink in the kitchen that I need to get rid of but can't afford to redo the kitchen.
watermelon, strawberries and pot roast with potatoes and carrots and lots of gravy! Breakfast with eggs and sausage,ham, hash browns, biscuits and french toast. Belgian waffles. The whole thing that you fill up on and it lasts you all day.
My favorite drink is Coca-cola. I drink many of them each day. And mountain water, when I can get it.
I will not be answering any messages for a while. I am sorry that I missed you.
I am married and live in North Carolina. My son-in-law has served two hitches in Iraq and is now on his third time. He also has served 1 in Afghanistan, 1 in Korea,and just got back from Germany. My husband is a retired firefighter. I am very proud of all my family and brag on them every opportunity. I am retired disabled after hurting my back (bending over to pick up a piece of ice! can you believe it?)
shopping online, cool days(70's),and a host of other things. Making friends online. Nice people. Flowers of all types! I collect recipes but don't cook right now, of course! And I like listening to people tell about their trips and watching their travel movies. I love to travel and see different places.
Mean people.Droughts and floods. Big Bugs. People who lecture me about my bad habits. People who pretend to be my friend while they are trying to sell me something. Politicians and infomercials. Whale hunters(there are substitutes for whale oil).
gardening (my passion), reading books, traveling(although I haven't been a lot of places yet. Crocheting occasionally(a beginner) and my computer(also a beginner). Watching TV. Sleeping(I'm a great fan of that.) I collect travel brochures from everywhere and magnets from places I have been.
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