Female 59 years old Tennessee United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1261
 [ 113 ]
10/14/2015 09:55:43 |
I like suspense, romance, comedy, not a lot of blood and gore, and nothing stupid.
Oldies, Country [old and new] and matchbox20
The Bible, Dean Koontz, Patricia Cornwell,Sydney Sheldon,Nora Roberts,John Sanford Agatha Christie,Louis L'Amore. I used to read a lot, All I have read in the last 6 years has been the Bible.

I love my coffee, milk, and junk food.
And I like Breakfast Anytime!!
I love my husband, married for 22 years.I had 4 children, My oldest daughter was killed in a car wreck at age 18, on her way to work. She left a son,[my first grandchild]who lives with us.My next daughter has 2 boys and a girl, My youngest daughter has a baby boy, and my son[the youngest]is still at home. I am proud of all of my children. My oldest was young, but she was a very good mother,and a good person, My heart aches for her every day.She wrote a lot of poems, I wanted to put them on here to share,so some of them are in my gallery if you would like to read them. My religion of choice is Jehovah's witnesses.I am not one ,but I wish I was.Family and Friends are great,but the only real comfort comes from Jehovah God, his Son, and the words he gave us in the Bible.The Resurrection is a wonderful thing.
The fact that I smoke,[Quitting is hard]. I also don't like drugs and the fact that people die.