Always Greatful!
Female 84 years old Clinton United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1130
[ 31 ]
02/16/2011 21:29:02 |
I seem to go to sleep when watching a boring movie. I will watch the "Sound of Music", I know it is old but good to watch.
Guidepost, Country magazines, Cappers paper, Readers Digest and Cooking books.
I like soups like Chili, Vegetable. Bananas, olives and good mash potatoes with good brown gravy or a good baked potato.
I have been married to my lover for 47 years and have four children and six grandkids.
Sincere and truthful people and not phony ones.
My hubby and I like to go a dinner theater play.
I am not a lover of anything with feathers. I was scared when young and can't seem to get over it.
I like collecting "Pez" containers. "Precious Moments" figurines and "Isabel Bloom" figurines.
overthehill has 6 friend(s)